Right! That'll be a riot. So many reasons to play when I get home. When does ToW drop? 3.8?Don't forget theatre of war. For me, this will keep me happy for years to come.
Right! That'll be a riot. So many reasons to play when I get home. When does ToW drop? 3.8?Don't forget theatre of war. For me, this will keep me happy for years to come.
YepRight! That'll be a riot. So many reasons to play when I get home. When does ToW drop? 3.8?
Well then, I'll see you in 3.8. Or February if I'm lacking time to play before I get home, haha.
I would have picked one up if it had been available in black or at least a darker colorI got a Carrack shirt!
the quality of the shirt is pretty good
That explains my ability to move to beer locations so quickly!
Lol, but white shows your beer stains off much more proudly!I would have picked one up if it had been available in black or at least a darker color
khaki shorts and a panama hat here I comeThat explains my ability to move to beer locations so quickly!
Lol, but white shows your beer stains off much more proudly!
That'll be me in the next few hours! Hahakhaki shorts and a panama hat here I come