Just curious to see which types of groupies we have in Test. I'm sure there are other 'styles', but these seem to be the most commonly successful that I've seen so no wrong answers and results anonymous.
We have revolutions that unseats Montoya from his position as God-Emperor on a daily basis at promptly 7:37 AM ETS. At the end of the day however, he is voted back in as he is the only one who can lead this merry band of misfits without going mad.I prefer our laid back yet dictatorship regime we have here ;) When the next scheduled revolt against Montoya? And also when is the next all-hail the glory of supreme leader Montoya scheduled? Damnit.. we didn't schedule at the same time again did we?
We can all still be CEO of Serenity, though, right?I like our current system of everyone getting to be CEO for 5 minutes before its passed along. But none of us can be Chief Executive Officer Supreme(CEOS) because that is Montoya.