Question for TEST/Divison or anyone really


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Question, my next job i need to pick up a programming language and im starting out fresh. Does test need anything automated to help out that you know off the top of your head? Even if it isnt for test i want to help you guys out if you want something scripted/automated so it gives me something to do. Im not a needy person so its hard to think of things i want, lol.

I.E. Making a bot that grabs information and compiles data automatically into a spreadsheet


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Hopefully they'll have APIs setup for pulling information as the alternative is exceptionally less efficient and can bog down all impacted systems.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
What about this?
It'd be for much older SC builds but would still be awesome
Most useful would be a script for Blender that parsed the old SC prefab XMLs, and search for the equivalent DAE or OBJ files we have from MarkEmps conversion tool.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Question, my next job i need to pick up a programming language and im starting out fresh. Does test need anything automated to help out that you know off the top of your head? Even if it isnt for test i want to help you guys out if you want something scripted/automated so it gives me something to do. Im not a needy person so its hard to think of things i want, lol.
It's about need, not needy... hard to explain but it's difficult to come up with ideas for yourself. I'm going to kind of echo @DirectorGunner and say learning Python would be a good place to start if you're not a programmer now, but need to learn a programming language for work. It has characteristics that give you a lot of the skills you'd need to learn other programming languages as well.
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
What about this?
It'd be for much older SC builds but would still be awesome
Most useful would be a script for Blender that parsed the old SC prefab XMLs, and search for the equivalent DAE or OBJ files we have from MarkEmps conversion tool.
Sure, ill look into this and make it my first project. I'll cater my learning experience to try and do this. I have NO idea atm if it would be even possible. I took some programming/computer science before I joined the military, but I only learned enough to basically be able to read coding and understand what it is trying to do on a basic level.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle

Questions I have for this, based on the github and things for me to research as well. Kinda creating a list for me as well. If you have the knowledge of some of these cool, it will help establish a baseline for me to start learning if not that is perfectly fine as these are things based on what i've read to help me full understand what you need to do.

1. What is considered relevant data to you

2. What do you mean by que/list and re-position imported objects.

3. How to get python to execute riptide pro plugin, also research wtf that is.

4. Integrate plugin to coding

5. Import file "Xml"

6. Wtf is absolute position and rotation mean for XML

7. Error logging, should be simple .doc exporting

So from my understanding you want to grab a .xml file from a data base of compiled .xml files to grab shit from it to import to riptide plugin and do some absolute position and rotation shit then continue on into a que list. It seems you want to gui for this as well? To be able to create this que list and i'm assuming multiple people will be able to access this?

Also what is the objective of this project for. It seems you are just looking to pull pictures and have them show up in Cinema 4d correctly? Are you looking to pull the rendered models with the .xml? I'm basing this on the github so if any steps or questions need to be modified let me know.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle

Questions I have for this, based on the github and things for me to research as well. Kinda creating a list for me as well. If you have the knowledge of some of these cool, it will help establish a baseline for me to start learning if not that is perfectly fine as these are things based on what i've read to help me full understand what you need to do.

1. What is considered relevant data to you

2. What do you mean by que/list and re-position imported objects.

3. How to get python to execute riptide pro plugin, also research wtf that is.

4. Integrate plugin to coding

5. Import file "Xml"

6. Wtf is absolute position and rotation mean for XML

7. Error logging, should be simple .doc exporting

So from my understanding you want to grab a .xml file from a data base of compiled .xml files to grab shit from it to import to riptide plugin and do some absolute position and rotation shit then continue on into a que list. It seems you want to gui for this as well? To be able to create this que list and i'm assuming multiple people will be able to access this?

Also what is the objective of this project for. It seems you are just looking to pull pictures and have them show up in Cinema 4d correctly? Are you looking to pull the rendered models with the .xml?
For logs it is typically better to use either .LOG or .TXT in one of the separated formats. .DOC has more overhead so the files are larger and requires an application in addition to the OS to read them.
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Python and C# are both solid programming languages that're fairly easy to pick up, which to go with is a personal preference, but some areas one is more popular than the other. So you might want to research which is more prevalent where you work/live, then go with that one (example: when the company I work for was deciding which to go with they found that in parts of Texas and some areas in California C# is more popular, but here on the East Coast Python is by far more prevalent in both developers and companies using it.)
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Python and C# are both solid programming languages that're fairly easy to pick up, which to go with is a personal preference, but some areas one is more popular than the other. So you might want to research which is more prevalent where you work/live, then go with that one (example: when the company I work for was deciding which to go with they found that in parts of Texas and some areas in California C# is more popular, but here on the East Coast Python is by far more prevalent in both developers and companies using it.)
I'm going to start off with C++ since that is a low level language and simply understanding it will benefit and give me a good foundation.
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm going to start off with C++ since that is a low level language and simply understanding it will benefit and give me a good foundation.
C++ is extremely powerful and not likely to go away anytime soon, but is harder to learn for many people than Python or C#.
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
To be clear, I've wrote stuff before in excitement, as I was learning.
I am not an expert, I am not a coder, and I fumbled into 3D modeling and 3D animation as a hobby.
In other words, I've asked for things before which just don't make sense,
so I will clarify each question now since I am less of an idiot as I was in prior years (thanks to LSAT training I think kicking my mental ass)

1. What is considered relevant data to you
So important things are:
#1 Object and object path.
#2 Positional data.
Here's an example excerpt from the Deluxe Hangar prefab XML file, I don't remember which SC build this is from as I didn't label the folder but I think it was from 2019.
<PrefabsLibrary Name="deluxe_hangar">
  <Prefab Name="deluxe_hangar.t19.deluxe_hangar_t19_stock_mainfloor_a" SubLibrary="" Id="{D1EB4672-895B-42C4-9895-6F21B1EC30D4}" Library="deluxe_hangar" LibFolders="" Footprint="72,136,1" Description="" Category="">
      <Object NoStaticDecals="0" Name="Light-3194" CastShadowMinspec="8" RenderNearest="0" LayerGUID="{CE7EBA88-0545-452E-B4FE-56B7425A5FC2}" ShowEnergyLinks="1" Rotate="0.70710671,0,0.70710683,0" Layer="BaseGeoExpLA" CastShadow="1" OutdoorOnly="0" RecvWind="0" Type="Entity" DirtAmount="0" ColorRGB="65535" ShowEntityLinks="1" EntityClass="Light" LodRatio="100" ShowLinks="1" FloorNumber="-1" ManualGridTransition="0" ShowInteractionLinks="1" Pos="23.82220458984375,100.01458740234375,1.0610198974609375" HiddenInGame="0" ViewDistRatio="35" LinkedGlowInProbes="0" WearAmount="0" Id="{D521E91D-BF70-4CD4-999C-704C1DC3B5FF}">
        <Properties _bCheapLight="0" bForceDisableCheapLight="0" bActive="1" Radius="0.1" _nVersion="0">
          <Audio audioRTPCLuminanceRTPC="" audioTriggerStopTrigger="" bEnableAudio="0" bIsManagedAudioObject="1" audioTriggerPlayTrigger="" />
          <Color fTemperature="6600" bLinkIgnoresColor="0" fSpecularMultiplier="0" bUseTemperature="0" clrDiffuse="1,1,1" fDiffuseMultiplier="25" />
          <Options fShadowUpdateRatio="1" nCastShadows="0" fFlareFOV="360" bIgnoresVisAreas="0" bShadowCasting="0" fShadowResolutionScale="1" nLightImportance="1" bDeferredClipBounds="0" bAmbient="0" fShadowUpdateMinRadius="10" bAutoDetectClipBox="0" flare_Flare="" fShadowBias="1" fFlareScale="1" fMaxShadowCastDist="0" bFlareEnabled="0" bFakeLight="0" bSoftBulb="0" bAffectsThisAreaOnly="1" fShadowSlopeBiasMultiplier="1" fAttenuationBulbSize="0.05" />
          <Projector bFocusedBeam="0" fProjectorNearPlane="0" fProjectorFov="180" texture_Texture="" />
          <Shape fPlaneHeight="0.2" fSoftness="1" vFadeDimensionsLeft="0" vFadeDimensionsNear="0" fPlaneWidth="2.4" vFadeDimensionsBottom="0" vFadeDimensionsTop="0" bAreaLight="1" vFadeDimensionsFar="0" vFadeDimensionsRight="0" />
          <Style _fTimeScrubbed="0" bRandomAnimationPhase="0" bAttachToSun="0" nLightStyle="3" lightanimation_LightAnimation="" bTimeScrubbingInTrackView="0" fAnimationSpeed="1" nAnimationPhase="4" />
Those give you not only the position of this particular floor object in relation to building the hangar but also it's rotation/orientation.
This particular object doesn't have a data file path, so I assume it's like a brush/CryEngine engine object or something, but hopefully, someone will chime in to clarify.
It's like Minecraft but more complex in that you can spin an object in a number of axes.
I am not sure why there are 4 coordinates for rotation. But I hope someone else can chime in and explain that here?

2. What do you mean by que/list and re-position imported objects.
You can disregard that, I have no idea how blender imports an object, in that I question if it import at a specific coordinate and rotation or just imports an object at 0,0,0 and then the Blender script would have to move the newly imported object into position. I am just speculating how it might work, but I do not actually know.

3. How to get python to execute riptide pro plugin, also research wtf that is.
Yea please ignore all that, sorry.

4. Integrate plugin to coding
Can ignore, sorry.

5. Import file "Xml"
So the XML's are all encoded into Dataforge thingy and have to use Alluran's dataforge tool to make them human-readable XMLs.
I have Alluran's HoloXPLOR.DataForge260.exe but I would guess he's made an updated version since then, but the version I have still works to convert the XMLs.
This is something each person should do BEFORE using your Blender script. IMO.

6. Wtf is absolute position and rotation mean for XML
like shown in Number 1,
Here's an actual object file with path the prefab XML for Deluxe Hangar has.
    <Object Prefab="Objects/buildingsets/hangar/deluxe/deluxe_floor_8x8_08.cgf" NoStaticDecals="0" Name="deluxe_floor_8x8_08-058" NoAmnbShadowCaster="0" CastShadowMaps="0" LayerGUID="{B7385F29-9291-4045-A1A3-6DF788B07B46}" Rotate="1,-0,0,-5.165802e-008" RndFlags="536870912" OutdoorOnly="0" RecvWind="0" Occluder="0" Type="Brush" AIObstacle="0" Hideable="0" ColorRGB="16777215" LodRatio="140" ShowLinks="1" SortFar="0" NotTriangulate="0" FloorNumber="-1" Material="Objects/buildingsets/hangar/deluxe/hangar_deluxe_kit_starfarer_grey" Pos="48,0,0" ViewDistRatio="45" ShadowLodBias="0" Layer="BaseGeoExpLC" RainOccluder="1" Id="{62498630-834F-44E0-BCDC-95D10A31AFB1}" NoDynamicWater="0">
          <Type collision_class_soft="0" gcc_rigid="0" collision_class_wheeled="0" gcc_missile="0" gcc_ai="0" collision_class_living="0" gcc_vehicle="0" collision_class_articulated="0" gcc_player_capsule="0" collision_class_particle="0" gcc_vehicle_interior="0" collision_class_terrain="0" gcc_player_body="0" gcc_ragdoll="0" gcc_projectile="0" />
          <Ignore collision_class_soft="0" gcc_rigid="0" collision_class_wheeled="0" gcc_missile="0" gcc_ai="0" collision_class_living="0" gcc_vehicle="0" collision_class_articulated="0" gcc_player_capsule="0" collision_class_particle="0" gcc_vehicle_interior="0" collision_class_terrain="0" gcc_player_body="0" gcc_ragdoll="0" gcc_projectile="0" />
Object Prefab="Objects/buildingsets/hangar/deluxe/deluxe_floor_8x8_08.cgf" is the game file path. Which is important that I referenced in #1 above.
But It's the responsibility of the person using your blender script to already have converted all these files to be useable in Blender.
So the file path will stay the same more or less but the extension will likely be DAE or OBJ.

7. Error logging, should be simple .doc exporting
Well, doesn't have to be .doc and I have NO idea why I asked for that....
txt file of verbose results of the whole conversion while script is running would be great so users of the script can troubleshoot if something went wrong.

Does any of this help? Do you need a copy of a converted prefab XML for example?
Last edited:
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
To be clear, I've wrote stuff before in excitement, as I was learning.
I am not an expert, I am not a coder, and I fumbled into 3D modeling and 3D animation as a hobby.
In other words, I've asked for things before which just don't make sense,
so I will clarify each question now since I am less of an idiot as I was in prior years (thanks to LSAT training I think kicking my mental ass)

So important things are:
#1 Object and object path.
#2 Positional data.
Here's an example excerpt from the Deluxe Hangar prefab XML file, I don't remember which SC build this is from as I didn't label the folder but I think it was from 2019.
<PrefabsLibrary Name="deluxe_hangar">
  <Prefab Name="deluxe_hangar.t19.deluxe_hangar_t19_stock_mainfloor_a" SubLibrary="" Id="{D1EB4672-895B-42C4-9895-6F21B1EC30D4}" Library="deluxe_hangar" LibFolders="" Footprint="72,136,1" Description="" Category="">
      <Object NoStaticDecals="0" Name="Light-3194" CastShadowMinspec="8" RenderNearest="0" LayerGUID="{CE7EBA88-0545-452E-B4FE-56B7425A5FC2}" ShowEnergyLinks="1" Rotate="0.70710671,0,0.70710683,0" Layer="BaseGeoExpLA" CastShadow="1" OutdoorOnly="0" RecvWind="0" Type="Entity" DirtAmount="0" ColorRGB="65535" ShowEntityLinks="1" EntityClass="Light" LodRatio="100" ShowLinks="1" FloorNumber="-1" ManualGridTransition="0" ShowInteractionLinks="1" Pos="23.82220458984375,100.01458740234375,1.0610198974609375" HiddenInGame="0" ViewDistRatio="35" LinkedGlowInProbes="0" WearAmount="0" Id="{D521E91D-BF70-4CD4-999C-704C1DC3B5FF}">
        <Properties _bCheapLight="0" bForceDisableCheapLight="0" bActive="1" Radius="0.1" _nVersion="0">
          <Audio audioRTPCLuminanceRTPC="" audioTriggerStopTrigger="" bEnableAudio="0" bIsManagedAudioObject="1" audioTriggerPlayTrigger="" />
          <Color fTemperature="6600" bLinkIgnoresColor="0" fSpecularMultiplier="0" bUseTemperature="0" clrDiffuse="1,1,1" fDiffuseMultiplier="25" />
          <Options fShadowUpdateRatio="1" nCastShadows="0" fFlareFOV="360" bIgnoresVisAreas="0" bShadowCasting="0" fShadowResolutionScale="1" nLightImportance="1" bDeferredClipBounds="0" bAmbient="0" fShadowUpdateMinRadius="10" bAutoDetectClipBox="0" flare_Flare="" fShadowBias="1" fFlareScale="1" fMaxShadowCastDist="0" bFlareEnabled="0" bFakeLight="0" bSoftBulb="0" bAffectsThisAreaOnly="1" fShadowSlopeBiasMultiplier="1" fAttenuationBulbSize="0.05" />
          <Projector bFocusedBeam="0" fProjectorNearPlane="0" fProjectorFov="180" texture_Texture="" />
          <Shape fPlaneHeight="0.2" fSoftness="1" vFadeDimensionsLeft="0" vFadeDimensionsNear="0" fPlaneWidth="2.4" vFadeDimensionsBottom="0" vFadeDimensionsTop="0" bAreaLight="1" vFadeDimensionsFar="0" vFadeDimensionsRight="0" />
          <Style _fTimeScrubbed="0" bRandomAnimationPhase="0" bAttachToSun="0" nLightStyle="3" lightanimation_LightAnimation="" bTimeScrubbingInTrackView="0" fAnimationSpeed="1" nAnimationPhase="4" />
Those give you not only the position of this particular floor object in relation to building the hangar but also it's rotation/orientation.
This particular object doesn't have a data file path, so I assume it's like a brush/CryEngine engine object or something, but hopefully, someone will chime in to clarify.
It's like Minecraft but more complex in that you can spin an object in a number of axes.
I am not sure why there are 4 coordinates for rotation. But I hope someone else can chime in and explain that here?

You can disregard that, I have no idea how blender imports an object, in that I question if it import at a specific coordinate and rotation or just imports an object at 0,0,0 and then the Blender script would have to move the newly imported object into position. I am just speculating how it might work, but I do not actually know.

Yea please ignore all that, sorry.

Can ignore, sorry.

So the XML's are all encoded into Dataforge thingy and have to use Alluran's dataforge tool to make them human-readable XMLs.
I have Alluran's HoloXPLOR.DataForge260.exe but I would guess he's made an updated version since then, but the version I have still works to convert the XMLs.
This is something each person should do BEFORE using your Blender script. IMO.

like shown in Number 1,
Here's an actual object file with path the prefab XML for Deluxe Hangar has.
    <Object Prefab="Objects/buildingsets/hangar/deluxe/deluxe_floor_8x8_08.cgf" NoStaticDecals="0" Name="deluxe_floor_8x8_08-058" NoAmnbShadowCaster="0" CastShadowMaps="0" LayerGUID="{B7385F29-9291-4045-A1A3-6DF788B07B46}" Rotate="1,-0,0,-5.165802e-008" RndFlags="536870912" OutdoorOnly="0" RecvWind="0" Occluder="0" Type="Brush" AIObstacle="0" Hideable="0" ColorRGB="16777215" LodRatio="140" ShowLinks="1" SortFar="0" NotTriangulate="0" FloorNumber="-1" Material="Objects/buildingsets/hangar/deluxe/hangar_deluxe_kit_starfarer_grey" Pos="48,0,0" ViewDistRatio="45" ShadowLodBias="0" Layer="BaseGeoExpLC" RainOccluder="1" Id="{62498630-834F-44E0-BCDC-95D10A31AFB1}" NoDynamicWater="0">
          <Type collision_class_soft="0" gcc_rigid="0" collision_class_wheeled="0" gcc_missile="0" gcc_ai="0" collision_class_living="0" gcc_vehicle="0" collision_class_articulated="0" gcc_player_capsule="0" collision_class_particle="0" gcc_vehicle_interior="0" collision_class_terrain="0" gcc_player_body="0" gcc_ragdoll="0" gcc_projectile="0" />
          <Ignore collision_class_soft="0" gcc_rigid="0" collision_class_wheeled="0" gcc_missile="0" gcc_ai="0" collision_class_living="0" gcc_vehicle="0" collision_class_articulated="0" gcc_player_capsule="0" collision_class_particle="0" gcc_vehicle_interior="0" collision_class_terrain="0" gcc_player_body="0" gcc_ragdoll="0" gcc_projectile="0" />
Object Prefab="Objects/buildingsets/hangar/deluxe/deluxe_floor_8x8_08.cgf" is the game file path. Which is important that I referenced in #1 above.
But It's the responsibility of the person using your blender script to already have converted all these files to be useable in Blender.
So the file path will stay the same more or less but the extension will likely be DAE or OBJ.

Well, doesn't have to be .doc and I have NO idea why I asked for that....
txt file of verbose results of the whole conversion while script is running would be great so users of the script can troubleshoot if something went wrong.

Does any of this help? Do you need a copy of a converted prefab XML for example?
What about the parts after the numbers?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Those give you not only the position of this particular floor object in relation to building the hangar but also it's rotation/orientation.
This particular object doesn't have a data file path, so I assume it's like a brush/CryEngine engine object or something, but hopefully, someone will chime in to clarify.
It's like Minecraft but more complex in that you can spin an object in a number of axes.
I am not sure why there are 4 coordinates for rotation. But I hope someone else can chime in and explain that here?
"Homogeneous coordinates are ubiquitous in computer graphics because they allow common vector operations such as translation, rotation, scaling and perspective projection to be represented as a matrix by which the vector is multiplied. ... Modern OpenGL and Direct3D graphics cards take advantage of homogeneous coordinates to implement a vertex shader efficiently using vector processors with 4-element registers. "

IE it makes the math easier when doing vector calculations.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
What about the parts after the numbers?
AFAIK everything else seems like engine related stuff such as on/off flags, and I don't know what all of it does.
Sometimes material/texture setups and files are referenced in the XML,
but for the most part, everything else is probably not useable outside the engine.

"Homogeneous coordinates are ubiquitous in computer graphics because they allow common vector operations such as translation, rotation, scaling and perspective projection to be represented as a matrix by which the vector is multiplied. ... Modern OpenGL and Direct3D graphics cards take advantage of homogeneous coordinates to implement a vertex shader efficiently using vector processors with 4-element registers. "

IE it makes the math easier when doing vector calculations.
Wow, I am trying to wrap my head around that.
Good stuff!
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm going to start off with C++ since that is a low level language and simply understanding it will benefit and give me a good foundation.
Lol, low-level language...

While the learning curve is rather brutal at first if you stick with it the information that you learn will give you new insight into what the other newer languages were attempting to accomplish as well as their strength and weaknesses.

AFAIK everything else seems like engine related stuff such as on/off flags, and I don't know what all of it does.
Sometimes material/texture setups and files are referenced in the XML,
but for the most part, everything else is probably not useable outside the engine.
Correct they are just enabling how the object interacts with the game world.

Wow, I am trying to wrap my head around that.
Good stuff!
I honestly wouldn't worry about it unless you were trying to make your own graphic tool or game engine. It's one of those things that are asked on tests and diabolical interview questions along with making your own algorithm and calculate its computational cost.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Lol, low-level language...

While the learning curve is rather brutal at first if you stick with it the information that you learn will give you new insight into what the other newer languages were attempting to accomplish as well as their strength and weaknesses.

Correct they are just enabling how the object interacts with the game world.

I honestly wouldn't worry about it unless you were trying to make your own graphic tool or game engine. It's one of those things that are asked on tests and diabolical interview questions along with making your own algorithm and calculate its computational cost.
What's funny about C++ being a low-level language?


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
AFAIK everything else seems like engine related stuff such as on/off flags, and I don't know what all of it does.
Sometimes material/texture setups and files are referenced in the XML,
but for the most part, everything else is probably not useable outside the engine.

Wow, I am trying to wrap my head around that.
Good stuff!
I was talking about my post xD
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