Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Andrew Bolt is a crank. My mum likes him; she’s 70 years old, racist, and quick to believe conspiracies. That’s his audience.
Says you. He seemed to be very good about laying it out not not knowing the true answer - seems reasonable to me... but if it takes a law suit to get to the truth, good for the world. No matter what China does at this point it is looked at as a bad actor that tried to destroy the world economy (intentional or not). Regardless, critical assets will be moving out of China.



Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Western State Pact created by OR, CA, and WA. Interesting to see what they'll do, but so far these States have not had as massive of an outbreak for the percentage of population within them.
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Says you. He seemed to be very good about laying it out not not knowing the true answer - seems reasonable to me...


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
This is what I know, and learned early in life, with my psyop (37F) training, is that Nations act like people, there are good nations with good intent, there are bullies, everything in between. Bottom line, I do not think Andrew Bolt said anything out of bounds. He questioned the status quo, that is it. Sorry you think he is like Rush Limbaugh, but this one instance seems reasonable to me. I could see where you are triggered by it, but sometimes you need to see the forest through the trees, even if it goes against your core beliefs. "Even a broken clock is right twice a day"
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Wait, it wasn't just once, he has a *HISTORY* of defending pedophiles?
During his apology, Mr Bolt took a thinly veiled swipe at Ray Hadley and other members of the media, claiming was the victim of a “ghastly misrepresentation”.

“People who I’ve criticised before in the media took this opportunity to say ‘oh, you’re soft on pedophiles and all that’ and I was so angry and disappointed,” he said.

Ray Hadley has now responded with a passionate, emotional and explosive rebuke of Andrew Bolt and his history of defending paedophiles.

“Mr Bolt, criticism of me by you is water off a duck’s back. You do a lot of good in the community but by crikey when it comes to paedophilia you’ve got a very poor record.

“Mr Bolt has a history of defending people who are convicted of paedophilia… that’s on his conscious, not mine.

“I’ve been an ambassador of Bravehearts for two decades, Mr Bolt. I’ll stand my record in condemning paedophilia against yours any day of the week.”


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
@Everyone, when you lose 100k in retirement, it becomes personal and you want justice. It is about money, slice it or dice it, it is always the same thing.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Google Andrew Bolt and George Pell
If he was a pedophile , don't you think he'd be in jail? Honestly, this is about this one broadcast. I'm not saying he is a great person. In America, you are "Presumed Innocent", not sure how it is in the UK.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
This is what I know, and learned early in life, with my psyop (37F) training, is that Nations act like people, there are good nations with good intent, there are bullies, everything in between.
That is a gross oversimplification, i.e., that *Nations* act as people. In the case of China, I'm always careful to distinguish between the Chinese *people* vs. the Chinese *government*. The people of China seem to want to be free, just like us, but their *government* uses various means (available to a totalitarion state) to keep them in line. In the previous Cold War, the USA gained significant advantages by trying to win over the people of the Eastern Bloc, while simultaneously confronting the communist governments and pointing out their lies (remember the good old "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" line?). A view that treats "China" as one monolithic being with bad intent doesn't leave a lot of room for nuance, and ultimately plays into the hands of the Chinese government, which then turns around and says "this is what Westerners think and say about us" which then (unfortunately) unites them more, as the Chinese government can keep deflecting their own mis-deeds and errors and escape scrutiny by their own people and escape responsibility.

Bottom line, I do not think Andrew Bolt said anything out of bounds. He questioned the status quo, that is it. Sorry you think he is like Rush Limbaugh, but this one instance seems reasonable to me. I could see where you are triggered by it, but sometimes you need to see the forest through the trees, even if it goes against your core beliefs. "Even a broken clock is right twice a day"
I would think that if you want to persuade more people to your line of thinking, you could find a better spokesperson?


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
@Radegast74 I am not trying to persuade anyone... I am saying "listen". Not only to your echo chamber but what is going on in the world. PSYOP 101 discredit. PSYOP rule 1 is to always be truthful because if you are not it will come back on you 100x. So, this dude is not in Jail - therefore I do not condemn him... I will trust in your judicial system until I do not. Too often people are tried in the media, the media is not a "judicial system", it is people reporting (truthful or not). This comes to the heart of this debate regarding COVID-19, which propaganda do you want. Truth is often obscured and drown out by the opposing force. So, that's where I land on the subject.



Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
A view that treats "China" as one monolithic being with bad intent doesn't leave a lot of room for nuance, and ultimately plays into the hands of the Chinese government,
I am not as smart as you, but I do know a problem when I see it, and I do not need to over simplify a situation with jargon. This is the difference, in your face (me), and lets jockey around until we get a pseudo solution (academic). In case you have not noticed, this is a pandemic and the virus doesn't care about politics or nation state. People of China can continue to get slaughtered by their masters OR they can become productive member of the international community. This is dangerous as Fu*k, if China gets away with this then any rogue nation state can claim nonculpability to disrupting the international order.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I hope this is not known as the decade of bio-warfare because COVID-19 is small compared to bubonic plague. People do not understand how fragile our ecosystem is.

Back in 2013, a World Bank estimate of how much the 1918 flu could cost our now much richer and more connected global economy put the figure at more than $4 trillion, nearly the entire GDP of Japan. Early estimates of the economic damage from Covid-19 have already crossed the trillion-dollar mark.

The World Health Organization, which performed so well under the stress of Sars, has botched more recent outbreaks so badly that experts have called for the entire organisation to be overhauled. Climate change is expanding the range of disease-carrying animals and insects like the Aedes aegyptimosquitoes that transmit the Zika virus.

Our population is much higher today.

These are the weapons of the future (sorry to say), first salvo has been fired.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle

What's the UK got to do with this? The chap in your video is Australian:


As for the article itself, nothing we have not heared before that theory and that set of reported events have been bought up before, aside from potential legal ramifications, however I did note the heavy use of the word "Maybe" in reference to the scholars paper being used as evidence.

If a scholars paper uses the term "Maybe", "Perhaps" or "It could be argued" (my personal term of choice back in the day) in reference to something, it means they don't know, it's their own pocket theory based on their observation of the available info, which could be correct but further research is required, sometimes extensively.

Looking at the sources, the "UK Think Tank" (which appears to be the link to the UK you reference??) is the Henry Jackson Society - the report they base their findings on is their own research based on academic and journal articles and the report itself assessing the culpability and potential legal response:

If you recognize the name Henry Jackson it's because he was a US Democrat Senator, it's unclear to me how a society named after a US senator set up in a UK university in 2005 but there will be some reason for that, however it does follow some of his reportedly hawkish traits looking at some of its past articles, and describes itself as "...a think tank and policy-shaping force that fights for the principles and alliances which keep societies free – working across borders and party lines to combat extremism, advance democracy and real human rights, and make a stand in an increasingly uncertain world." however has been cited as being right wing as indicated from the Wiki page:

I recommend reading the full report (the PDF link) and please note the use of ways of saying "I think", "Maybe" and "Probably". No academic would get away with using those terms, but will use terms such as "It could be argued" "It appears" and "It is possible" to say the same things.

In regard to regarding China as "Innocent Until Proven guilty", an academic paper is not something to base innocence or guilt off, it is something to start an investigation and process of peer review from.

All the report seems to say is there are potentially grounds to base a legal penalty on, which is probably not wrong but would have to stand up to cross examination in the court of law (for example the umbrage with the data provided in January would need evidence that a reliable COVID-19 test was available at that point). If one is launched, however, it would set a legal precedence - it doesn't take much imagination to envisage the next time Swine Flu flairs up in Mexico there could suddenly be a lot more US tourism there from ambulance chasers willing to take advantage of the possibility of being able to sue another nation. 😉 😜 😉 😜 😉
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Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
An update to the total deaths comparison I posted last week. Britons can take their tin foil hats off.
In the 6 weeks up to 3rd April 2020 there were 70,903 total deaths from all causes registered in England and Wales
The average for the previous five years over that period was 64,894
So this year is 6009 above average.

I will have a look into it the biggest change is a huge increase in the week ending 3rd April which had 6,082 more deaths in just one week (16,387 compared to 10,305) This is the highest weekly figure since they started to compile weekly figures in 2005.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
From the start, putting all the pieces together, the only "conspiracy theory" I was willing to entertain is that this was an accidental release, more incompetence than anything. Its no secret that the CCP's (If I ever say china, im either referring to the country as a location or the CCP. The chinese people are innocent bystanders in all of this.) economic strategy involves stealing their way up the technological ladder, and theres been one too many incidents of them snaking their way into places theyre trying to get a leg up with. See the links below.

These two go hand in hand, still helps paint a picture. One creates the stage for a conspiracy, the other debunks, but both together have good info.

I personally have had to deal with Chinese spies and I'd take a guess that some of you in sensitive positions have as well. That being said, I think that they may not have the experience or protocols built to our standards necessary to handle such novel infectious diseases, and with them having a lvl 4 lab in the direct vicinity of the supposed origin of the outbreak you cant help but throw them the squinty eyes. Im not saying they are 3 stooges incompetent, but like, trained technician who fucks up because he isnt taking his job seriously incompetent.

They dont even need to steal anything for me to suspect incompetence tbh. It's more likely they were researching virus's from around the country to monitor for animal to human transmission because that has been going on for years. With all the diseases originating out of china I think theyve been doing that kind of research for a while now.

They also like the idea of genetic engineering so who knows. An investigation would be nice but good luck with that.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I just found something that is very interesting, disconcerting and make one wounder...
Are we being played with for rich people's greed or just duped or is it a real thing happening... most uncomfortable I felt in a long time.

--- EVENT 201 ---
Event 201, which took place in NYC on October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This is extremely fascinating because this pandemic simulation exercise of coronavirus took place about 6 weeks before the first illness from the coronavirus was actually reported in wuhan china!


Link to youtuber that made the connection and I see it, for what ever reason, it's worth the watch I got nothing to lose watching it.

How ever one take this as bullshit or not, I leave that up to your own sanity or logic.

But it sure raise some questions in my head...!

The link to the full EVENT 201 is in the youtube description and it's a 5 hour watch to see the hole event but well worth it.

CHEERS! and stay safe either way being safe is better than being sorry.. for now.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
In that case Ive got some awesome flat earth videos you should also watch.
Well I got that part by my self ha ha... and don't take it as fact or serious

But it sure make for some good questions, cause in my book you look at all angels to a problem not only the one handed to you.

And yes, peps should know the virus is a real thing now and a true threat, there's no doubt about that.

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