There was a show / competition back in the day called "The Next Great Star Ship." This is the ship that won, sadly to be honest, because the runner-up looked better. I bought this ship at the time because it was the only ship available with LTI and it was supposed to be a heavily armed troop transport. I liked the idea of moving a group of grunts into a war zone or boarding a ship etc. When I came back to the game 13 months ago, it was the first thing I looked for in my ship manifest on PO, only to realize I had the old "meh" version of the Hoplite as a placeholder. Now I hang onto the ship sheerly because it's rare at this point because many have parted with theirs out of impatience. Today it's supposed to become a gun-ship and I expect it will look quite different, this ship was designed in 2013 / 2014 when there were little to no guide-lines on what these ships should look like. The runner up was supposed to be an Origin, but today it fits Crusader Industries more. Anyhow, as a gunship will it grow, maybe, based on how things are done today I'm not sure how effective it can really be but you never know. So mine will sit in my hanger until the re-work releases and then I'll decide if I want to keep it or if I want to sell it. :)