Howdy everyone, i'd like to go ahead and open a dialog about the concept of a TEST Flight School kind of thing. i posted this up a couple of weeks ago and since then i've gotten a few PMs from interested people here, and on reddit and even on the RSI forums. There seems to be enough interest for this kind of activity to try and set something up at least unofficially.
I am aware that i'm stepping on people's toes and that others have expressed interest in heading up this sort of endeavor, so i think what i'd like to do is set up a night and time in which a few of us can hang out in Mumble and offer up advice from our own experiences and even play some games with a focus on practicing specific tactics. The hope is that the most qualified pilots in test would offer their expertise to novice pilots who want to genuinely improve their skills with focused practice and "special rules" private matches to encourage working on the most overlooked areas of flight.
This could be as simple as a "game night" where novice pilots can feel free to ask questions and join in games with experienced pilots,
or it could be a more involved process that involves "lessons" and "practice" where "instructors" coach novice pilots in increasingly advanced techniques. The second possibility would require the development of a curriculum and rubric as a guideline for instructors to follow.
Personally i feel that a curriculum can emerge from the starting place of a dedicated game night with an emphasis on sharing knowledge, and that a successful game night can grow to be much more as we approach the PU.
So i'm opening up the floor for discussion, if you have questions or want to help or join in the fun let us know!
For now i'd like to set up a dialog in Mumble. This Wednesday at 9:00PM CST (3AM UTC) feel free to join me in Mumble to further this discussion. If there is enough interest to proceed at this time, then i'll organize a weekly game night and advertize the fuck out of it with bitchin' posters and funny videos.
So if you're a pilot with a lot of experience and would like to share your knowledge with novice players in an organized venue then please join me this wednesday in mumble or mention your interest and leave your ideas in this thread. Also, if you're a novice pilot who would like to improve your skills and learn from the experience of others, then please feel free to join us and let us know what you'd like to see and what you'd like to get out of Flight School.
Thanks for your time! See y'all at the Crash Academy!