Cloning your body in Star Citizen?


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I bloody well hope not🤪
Or even better they will implement a wear system for clone AND your LTI ships 😜 after each reclaim you will have one ship part missing to the point that after multiple death and even stripped from all vital parts it wont be considered a ship even by Drake standards hehe.


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
LTI is tied to the account, not the avatar. I think that if they tried stuff like that, the uproar would be huge and more importantly, would upset their largest backers.

Pissing off one whale is fine. Pissing them all off is economic suicide.
I read somewhere a long time ago but i might be wrong, that it is linked to the account BUT not all characters on this account can use it. Once a character on your account unlock the ship, it belongs to that character, and cant be used by others. I need to find that source again.

edit : well it was in the link i put after Montoya's post, about multiple package clarification

What this means is that if you currently have four Star Citizen packages you will be able to play four different characters using one RSI account, each with their own ship and starting credit balance. You will also have the option of breaking up your pledge packages and reallocating these three elements as you deem fit. In addition, you will get to choose which characters receive your addon ships, Voyager Direct items and stretch goal rewards you have accumulated.

This is old stuff though.

edit 2 : so this would mean an LTI ship is tied to a character slot (of your choice if multiple slot), so not to an avatar but to a succession of avatars since it will be inherited by your heir after each successive death. Will we have a death tax on paid stuff with real cash? Hope not.

This brings another issue with multiple character slots and inheritance, still from that same link :

Unused Game Character slots without an associated ship or credits have two roles. They can be used to create additional crewmen or they can be gifted to other players.

The difference between a Game Character slot converted into a NPC crew member and a regular NPC crew member is that you can customize the Game Character NPC’s look, name and backstory. There is an additional bonus of being able to specify one of your Game Character NPC crewmembers as your successor in the event of your main characters death (See Death of a Spaceman),
Does that mean that if character from slot1 dies and you designated your npc crewman from slot2 as your heir that slot 1 is lost forever?

It is so old news that this multiple package thing and asset ownership between characters need to be clarified, really...
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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
What this means is that if you currently have four Star Citizen packages you will be able to play four different characters using one RSI account, each with their own ship and starting credit balance. You will also have the option of breaking up your pledge packages and reallocating these three elements as you deem fit. In addition, you will get to choose which characters receive your addon ships, Voyager Direct items and stretch goal rewards you have accumulated.
No related to cloning, but i got something i'm wondering about for years and we have no answer so far :

Does multiple character slots mean that you can play multiple character at once (running multiple game session) with the same account, or can you only play with one character at a time from a single account?

Until this question is answered here i cant really accomplish my goals in term of fleet. For example, if i want one of my character to be the pilot for my Endeavor, and to play at same time with another character who will be my pvp guy, will i be able to achieve that with 2 character slots on a same account, or do i need two separate accounts?
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Oct 2, 2019
RSI Handle
Or even better they will implement a wear system for clone AND your LTI ships 😜 after each reclaim you will have one ship part missing to the point that after multiple death and even stripped from all vital parts it wont be considered a ship even by Drake standards hehe.
Yes that's exactly it. The more your ship gets damage, the more the blueprint degrades.

As for the multiple package- I expect it would be like if your primary PC died and you didn't have a second package the slot will open back up.

I am curious about how multiple player characters will share account ships though.

Also fairly certain it'll be like multiple characters in every other game- one game instance at a time. But it's always possible that secondary playable characters could be used like NPCs by primary PCs?


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Yes, I'm aware of that, but with ships being account bound and also character bound I imagine there's some way of transfer? like when you die and 'will' it to your next toon? I don't know.
Ah yes that is what is assumed indeed. I misunderstood your first post ;)

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
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Oct 2, 2019
RSI Handle
Throughout the whole thread, I'm still looking for someone to describe why 'its fun'.
not sure what you mean by 'it' but i'll answer best I can (from my perspective);
Meaningful deaths, to me, make the game both more immersive and make it worth playing harder. If I know getting blown up is going to have literally 0 consequences, It's a lot harder for me to take a game seriously. So finding a balance so that when something goes wrong you've gotta fight to make it right again vs failing causes catastrophic damage is really important. Long story short- it's giving us a reason to *fight* to survive.

I also am a big fan of scars and cybernetics cause, well, they're cool. It also can help with the development of character in the game, as it doesn't appear that we'll be levelling up our characters, so it gives us a narrative 'growth'

Ah yes that is what is assumed indeed. I misunderstood your first post ;)
No worries! I do hope they bend on the character sharing that they've already implied. I think, given the massive fleets we all have, fleet management will get real tedious real fast, and having the ability to work with multiple characters will really ease that tedium

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
I like the (suggested) idea that you can extend your clone-ability through gene therapy or something similar to 'get back lives,' and I think some special insurance plans could be good for combat oriented characters- as I'd expect to die a lot more as a fighter pilot or a marine. Either way, having real, meaningful death is

I mean the copy of a copy of a copy is one of the leading theories of the mechanism of aging. But yeah, if they have a DNA sample in storage it would take, on average, 1.5 million years for it to degrade. That being said, it could be the cloning technique they use damages the DNA? Idk. bit flimsy either way.
Personally, if they go cloning they should get rid of the body wear and tear, in my opinion.
All told, I'd rather go with the time-fudging we talked about. Story-wise, you got picked up and returned to be revived although, from the player perspective, it happens instantly.
Hmmmm, tell me more about this "gene therapy" concept. Are you saying that you could, for example, make a clone's butt smaller? Or other parts bigger? Asking for a friend.


Oct 2, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmmmm, tell me more about this "gene therapy" concept. Are you saying that you could, for example, make a clone's butt smaller? Or other parts bigger? Asking for a friend.
Well, they've just mentioned it in regards to 'getting a game life back.' But it's CR. This will be the most immersive game ever. GIANT BUTTS FOR ALL I SAY!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Ok, okay, oooohhhhh kkkkaaaaaaayyyy.

(EDIT - TL;DR Quantum Entanglement Communications using the Quantainium maguffin to void the pitfalls of Entanglement while not getting rid of them completely, to be able to broadcast your consciousness and nervous system state via Quanum back to the hospital spawn point you set your chip to Entangle to, so you can get a new clone body but have some pitfalls in that your nervous system (which the brain containing the memories and consciousness up to that moment, really, is just a part of) cannot be copied perfectly each time and that's where the degradation comes from, not the DNA in the clone process.)

1) Down state, I get. You is hurt, you need medic. You go to medic or medic comes to you. Got it i'm banged up but can still boogie. Cool.

2.1) Dead State A, I get. You are out of action and without medical assistance you 'aint getting up, you wait for help. No moving. So you wait. Gotcha.

2.2) Dead State B, I do, but don't, get. You don't have any friends so you could wait forever no one is coming to put new batteries in you. So you respawn with a clone you have left at the last Me Factory you passed. Erm... But my memories...

3) Permadead, I get. When you dead, you dead. Pass your stuff to whoever is your favorite person and carry on like nothing happened apart from you have a new face/gender/people don't seem to remember who you were and say you were your own kin/best buddy etc. Get it.

So it's 2.2 I don't get... I look at this, and I also run into a plot hole with the Transference Of Consciousness issue.

At first I was thinking like okay I get storing my genetics in a hospital for a photocopy to be made when I kop it, no issue there... But with the example given in 2.2 above, where I have to give up on a body and respawn at the Me Factory and then go to my ex-self and pick up all my garbage again, I get a plot hole:

So imagine the scene: I am flying my ship through some bumhole system no one cares about, and detect on long range a gas cloud. I don't care, no one does, but I take a look just for the hell of it because I am playing a computer game and it's a boring Sunday Afternoon... A whole moon is hidden in the gas cloud. So I touch down, and bumble off in my X1 to see what the ground is like. I find a cave and have go Spelunking, well wow it's crammed with unobtainium. But a Cave Crab bumps me and I fall off a ledge - 50ft later I'm dead on the ground. No one is coming, I can't tell anyone where this is, any logical explanation for my rescue doesn't work because it's a place no one knows about and no one knows I'm here... I have no choice, I have to respawn, I abandon my body, it is now dead, like version 2.2 dead.

...So I open my fresh eyelids after I am re-gened from the DNA at the Me Factory (I try not to count how many blinks I do, I lose count around 340) and I want my ship back. I want my X1 and I want all that Unobtainium and I'm going to take a hella big hammer with me to smash that damned cave crabs shell in. But how would my New Me know where my dead self is? Even if a synaptic image was taken at the point of dumping my DNA with them, that's my knowledge up to that point. No cave, no moon, no gas cloud, my toys are lost to the 'Verse.

I, the player, am the omnipotent knowledge pool the game can't get around. So how can I get my knowledge of my travels from my corpse into my new meat puppet?

So I thought back to games and other sci-fi I have played and seen with similar concepts... The first I thought of was the Soul Catcher Chip, from Hostile Waters, which recorded a consciousness at point of death and duplicated it to be used for automation in fighting vehicles in the game:


I also remembered my old copies of 2000AD, with Rouge Trooper and his Bio-Chip buddies who were killed in action but their minds were captures in a similar device, this was from a computer game based on the strips:


But the above two examples need a physical chip to be taken from the dead back to the Me Factory to put my personality and memories back in...

But then I thinks to myself, what do we have which is already a concept in the game, which could help transfer data from one almost impossible place, to another?

Quantum. Or more specifically, Quantum Entanglement Communications.

TL;DR Quantum Entanglement can make two sets of particles react the same way no matter what distance apart they are, as far as they are concerned they are two halves of one whole, so you joggle (or whatever) one 10ft away from the other it should joggle (or whatever) the same way. You move a mile away, the quantum entanglement should still make that happen. And because they are two parts of the same whole, it should be instant effect, no matter the distance. At least that's how I understand it, I might be way off here. Anyway:

Imagine I have dumped my DNA at the Me Factory, and my "SoulSaver" chip is entangled with that facilities receiver. Now, when I die, the chip will broadcast my memories and consciousness back to the Me Factory by taking a detailed analysis of my whole integrated nervous system to be reloaded back into a new Meat Puppet. Plot hole Closed. Unlike the Comm Towers, pirates can't infiltrate the signals or knock out a tower to make a coverage black spot. But, there must be a down side to this.

There is a paradox in Quantum Entanglement which says by taking a reading of the information you are trying to pass along the link, it collapses it before you can get the information. Although we may have Quantum Mastery by the time we get to the 2900's, this may still be a failing of Quantum Entanglement Communications, and may only be good enough due to Quantanium to pass a snap-shsot of your nervous system for reintegration before the link fails - so if you have lost an arm or a part of your nervous system is damaged or not accessible for reading and transmission by the chip, you won't get it back in your Meat Puppet due to the entanglement collapse not allowing for a better image of your brain, and the lost functionality will have to be replaced with prosthetic augmentation. This will also keep the desire for your re-gened meat puppet to have physical issues which may require tech augmentation prosthetic.... Here, we can say, the copy process from your dying brain through Quantum is not absolute, too due to Entanglement Collapse. You get a limited number of goes, and each time the snap-shot is a little more corrupted, perhaps a limb, perhaps some stamina as someone with MS fatigues much faster... until your mind copy cannot work with the meat-puppet even if you look like Darth Vader, more machine than man, and the Perma-death arrives... In addition to that, make process kill the nervous system while it's copying and broadcasting and it explains why there are not 200 of yourself running around the 'Verse.

That's how i'd do it. Quantum Entanglement Communications. Mastery of Quantum is already in the game and Quantanium is a suitable Maguffin to bypass Entanglement collapse not entirely but by just enough to allow the drawbacks of the mechanic to remain. Entanglement means it's a specific 1 to 1 communication with the receiver you set it to and is a one-shot comm, so Comms towers will still be a separate thing as well as moving mass data by ship. Range and network coverage will not be an issue as it is not using traditional comms it's using a quantum effect. And it would be totally secure so no pirates capturing your essence as it goes back to respawn, and you keep all your memories closing that plot hole.

Happy to discuss this idea with anyone who wants to :)
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Oct 13, 2020
RSI Handle
1) Down state, I get. You is hurt, you need medic. You go to medic or medic comes to you. Got it i'm banged up but can still boogie. Cool.

2.1) Dead State A, I get. You are out of action and without medical assistance you 'aint getting up, you wait for help. No moving. So you wait. Gotcha.

2.2) Dead State B, I do, but don't, get. You don't have any friends so you could wait forever no one is coming to put new batteries in you. So you respawn with a clone you have left at the last Me Factory you passed. Erm... But my memories...

3) Permadead, I get. When you dead, you dead. Pass your stuff to whoever is your favorite person and carry on like nothing happened apart from you have a new face/gender/people don't seem to remember who you were and say you were your own kin/best buddy etc. Get it.

So it's 2.2 I don't get... I look at this, and I also run into a plot hole with the Transference Of Consciousness issue.
I agree... for anyone soloing at the time or who plays solo almost full time, we're all gonna be quasimodos because we didn't have a medic come shoot us with a medi-gun!!! Gonna need that NPC constantly follow us around like a healer/pet, lol


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I agree... for anyone soloing at the time or who plays solo almost full time, we're all gonna be quasimodos because we didn't have a medic come shoot us with a medi-gun!!! Gonna need that NPC constantly follow us around like a healer/pet, lol
For small injuries I think there may in the long run be some exploration suits built with limited medical capabilities to keep you alive long enough to get you back to your Cutlass Red or Apollo which everyone will be driving in the game because of their advanced medical suites.

The SoulSaver Quantum Broadcast will be a last-ditch option. Even corpse retrieval and reanimation insurance will be a preferential option to having your mind-state broadcast over Quantum to a meat-puppet which may have to be augmented before it even gets on its feet to get it working with your damaged/degraded nervous system copy 🙂

Blimey I like a good theorycrafting, what fun!
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