Well, mining is not like a combat or a BH mission, that has a fixed income, the income depend on several factor, one of them is luck.
When we are talking about mining this came down to:
- know WHAT to mine
- know WHERE to mine
- know WHEN to mine
- have luck too find something that is worth to mine.
Im not going into detail about thoose aspect, Black Sunder redact and update a complete guide on the subject at every patch, but for my experience, while in a Prospector, the everage income is abount 60k-80k, but with particular luck and the adeguate mining head (aka Helix) you could even double that.
The Mole is not supposed to be soloed, but you can do that and, due to the larger capaccity, you can end up with more cash.
FPS minig with an eviromental suite grant around 20k for a compleate backpack.
ROC minig I'm yet to be tested, but it looks like you can easily pull out 100k per run.