Indecision 2020 ship upgrade edition


Space Marshal
Jan 10, 2018
RSI Handle
I need a little help making a decision on this. Because of discounted game packages and warbond upgrades, I need to choose two of the following with a negligible price difference.

A2 Hercules
M2 Hercules (could be a Caterpillar for $85 less)

I have all the upgrades needed to make two of these and, because of $695 Explorer and Scoundrel packs in my buybacks, discounted warbond upgrades and a 20% coupon this year and next year, I would actually save money by redoing my fleet and getting two of these instead of one (great problem to have). So, which combination would you choose, if you had to, and why?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
A wonderful problem to have indeed.

The Polaris has a pool table and you can carry a ship to at least the size of a Gladius and has torps for days.
The Perseus has all those S7's but is about half the size of the Polaris.
The Hurc can carry you some Tonks.
The Hurc M is the one with the MOAB isn't it...? Or is that the A2...? I think it's the A2...?

Well, i personally would have the Percy because it looks like the BeBop and you can call it "Percy" like it's Thomas the Tank Engines best friend.
I'd also have the Polaris because it has a pool table and you can carry a ship in it.
I'd also have the Hurc to carry some TONKS.
And I'd also have the other Hurc because MOAR TONKS.

So... erm... I didn't help you out much there did I?

Depends on what you wanna do with them. Polaris is going to be a small Org base. Percy is going to be the bane of large ships like the Starfarer and Catapillar. Hurc will TONK and Hurc M will TONK in dangerous places.


Space Marshal
Jan 10, 2018
RSI Handle
A2 is the one that drops bombs, although I'm not sure how useful it will really be. I you can bring in a ship to drop bombs, you should be able to just land a ship and not need the ground vehicles inside it.

As far as what I want them for, that's the problem. Redoing my current packs is going to leave me with a second Carrack that I don't need which is why I was going to end up with one of them either way.
The second one is coming because I wanted an Endeavor and a Defender. Instead of buying those directly, I put the money in warbond upgrades, which saved me enough money buying back my other ships (plus discounted upgrades in my buyback) to pay for the second one.

So, I don't really know if I have a need for any of them, I'm just going to get 2 because I'll already have the money in store credit when I'm done. I'm leaning toward the Polaris and Perseus for their protection abilities but because I don't really need them, I'm looking at the Hercules because a tough hauler is never a bad thing. Hens my indecision.
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Space Marshal
Jan 10, 2018
RSI Handle
For plain DPS output, Polaris and A2. Top of their class.
You just gave me an idea. I picked up a perseus to A2 to throw in my buybacks. The polaris is also an upgrade from the Perseus, so if nothing else, I can use that whenever it comes out and upgrade later if needed.
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Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2017
RSI Handle
You just gave me an idea. I picked up a perseus to A2 to throw in my buybacks. The polaris is also an upgrade from the Perseus, so if nothing else, I can use that whenever it comes out and upgrade later if needed.
Be careful. If either ship in buybacks changes in price you will receive an error trying to buyback the upgrade.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I need a little help making a decision on this. Because of discounted game packages and warbond upgrades, I need to choose two of the following with a negligible price difference.

A2 Hercules
M2 Hercules (could be a Caterpillar for $85 less)

I have all the upgrades needed to make two of these and, because of $695 Explorer and Scoundrel packs in my buybacks, discounted warbond upgrades and a 20% coupon this year and next year, I would actually save money by redoing my fleet and getting two of these instead of one (great problem to have). So, which combination would you choose, if you had to, and why?
With out knowing what you are looking forward to doing in the verse its hard to say what would be a good fit.

The A2 is very mission specific, while it can be used outside of this its not very efficient and might not even be profitable.
The Polaris while having far more capability is also very reliant on costly torpedoes to do any sort of damage to large targets which is going to greatly restrict the types of missions it takes on if its even possible to be profitable.

The Perseus is a bit of a unknown at the moment. The good part is most of its DPS is turret based and so can be switched out from ballistic to energy and thus increase its uptime (switching back to ballistics for fleet engagements where higher dps/pen is more important) The Perseus is also going to be valuable with those who are more akin to taking what originally belonged to others as its going to be able to quickly knock out the engines/subsystems of large ships more effectively then missiles/torpedoes. (Mantis, several Perseus, couple buccaneers/cutlass and you have yourself an effective pirate party, add a Kraken and Caterpillar to pick up the loot/resupply and you'll be able to do hit and run tactics for days)

The M2/C2 is going to be critical for heavy ground operations, also very useful for cargo/trade routes especially when going to or from planet side (not something the Hull C and above can do). Might be faster to load/unload then the Caterpillar while carrying (624/468) vs Caterpillar 576 (Taurus ~ 236, Hull B ~384)
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
I need a little help making a decision on this. Because of discounted game packages and warbond upgrades, I need to choose two of the following with a negligible price difference.

A2 Hercules
M2 Hercules (could be a Caterpillar for $85 less)

I have all the upgrades needed to make two of these and, because of $695 Explorer and Scoundrel packs in my buybacks, discounted warbond upgrades and a 20% coupon this year and next year, I would actually save money by redoing my fleet and getting two of these instead of one (great problem to have). So, which combination would you choose, if you had to, and why?
Id say the polaris and the A2 we already know what the polaris is going to be doing overall and i feel its better to get the biggest ships out of the way now vs later in game. you can always get the 6 man perseus later. The M2 feels like the cheap man car of the A2 it might not be profitable but why does every ship need to make a profit sometimes you just need to have fun or a good cruiser ship with a few buddies.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
The 'practical' approach might be the Perseus and M2. More daily driving potential. But I'd go for the Polaris and Perseus, picking up the M2 at a later date.
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Space Marshal
Jan 10, 2018
RSI Handle
Thanks for the input everyone. I think I'm going to use two explorer packs. Upgrade one to the Polaris because it offers more options than the others and upgrade the other to the perseus and hang onto the A2 upgrade just in case. After looking through my buybacks I realized that if not getting the M2 ends up being regrettable, it could be upgraded from another ship for 115. Just one other thing. Does anyone know if you can still apply upgrades on your account, not buybacks, if the price of the ship that you are upgrading from becomes the same price or more than the one you are upgrading to?
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