Eric "Wingman" and Rob Irving's game studio looks to be in trouble


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I happened to think about this again, did a search, and it looks like a settlement will be forthcoming? I hope it is good news for Wingman!

And if you really love legal shit:


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
And Montoya is on Wikipedia ;)

Well, this is the first step: now on Wikipedia, in a couple of years on a TV show, then some redcarpet event (you know some Holliwood prime event...), and finally THE CONQUER OF WORLD!!!
It could also be it end with just a nice TESt grill reunion and a few dozen of beer (each)....


Dec 1, 2020
RSI Handle
I thought this was an interesting comment given the reasons Rob Irving said he left RSI (too many people) - "Upon information and belief, contrary to Defendants’ representations, Descendent did not have “sufficient personnel and resources to complete the Game in a timely manner.”
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I thought this was an interesting comment given the reasons for Rob Irving said he left RSI (too many people) - "Upon information and belief, contrary to Defendants’ representations, Descendent did not have “sufficient personnel and resources to complete the Game in a timely manner.”
Well I honestly fell that both of those guys hadn't realize what is game development in this days.
The original Descent was a great game (and yes, the first one with 6-DOF) and back then also had a good quality, but right now if you plan to sell like a good ame and not only like a casual smathphone app you have to go to some insane level of detail both on graphics and gameplay quality, two aspect that require lots of people and time to come togheter.
A small "family" team can't stand up to this industry anymore unless they have "unlimited" time and founding and I see both condition hard to come if you have a pubblisher.


Dec 1, 2020
RSI Handle
Well I honestly fell that both of those guys hadn't realize what is game development in this days.
The original Descent was a great game (and yes, the first one with 6-DOF) and back then also had a good quality, but right now if you plan to sell like a good ame and not only like a casual smathphone app you have to go to some insane level of detail both on graphics and gameplay quality, two aspect that require lots of people and time to come togheter.
A small "family" team can't stand up to this industry anymore unless they have "unlimited" time and founding and I see both condition hard to come if you have a pubblisher.
I agree. I remember the early teaser footage that Wingman put out not long after they set up the studio and thinking, "you left Star Citizen....for this...?"


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I realize I didn't post the link to the "blog" update from Wingman here...has some more details plus a plain vanilla summary of how they got there:

The interesting bit from that post is that, *if* the ruling is favorable and they can go forward, their rights to use the "Descent" trademark have run out, and they will have to re-negotiate. That may or may not be a big deal, nobody under 30 has ever heard of Descent, let alone played it.

My understanding of how they got in this situation -- and I may be wrong -- reading in-between the lines --> Wingman needed a publisher for marketing & selling the game --> this publisher, Little Orbit, sold them a story about how they could make jillions of $$$$ by putting it on the PS4, maybe Xbox too and promised Wingman more funding --> after a token amount of funding, (according to Wingman) Little Orbit started demanding all sorts of changes which started pushing up dev costs...when Wingman couldn't then do every thing the wanted, they sued to take the game & IP away from him, at which point he lawyered-up and counter-sued them.

The issue at the heart of the dispute is that while Wingman was making the game, the original Descent dev's (who didn't *own* the game or title) put out their own updated/re-imagined "new Descent" and the game (Overload) while well-received, didn't make a lot of money and so Little Orbit wanted to pivot the game, based on the fact players didn't really want a Descent-like game...something like that.

Anyway, the conclusion--> I can see why CR wants to make SC on his own, and not use a publisher or sell the IP to anybody else!
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I agree. I remember the early teaser footage that Wingman put out not long after they set up the studio and thinking, "you left Star Citizen....for this...?"
Well that's not a true indication of what a game could be: looks at the KS video of SC/SQ$" and compare it to what we have now. They are on totally different level.
Only BIG company can afford to have a quite updated graphics and system for promo video, but that's becouse thy can recycle tons of old code, texture and models for that, also if you are using a known name that already carry on a reputations, so the video doesn't even need to show new "features", just tell the possible customers that those feature will be there and they will be happy anyway... of course those are trics that a small just established studio can use, they need to realy to the general concept and hope for the best.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
The concept was always flawed. Descent worked when new because it was new. Now it’s just ... hokey.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
The concept was always flawed. Descent worked when new because it was new. Now it’s just ... hokey.
Hmm could be... but we are in a new space game era so it could be a good time topull out something like this, and SW squadron has done a good job on laverage on the old fun of the X-wing series...
I won't say it will sell like hell, but it could be a good game to have.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, some looks like they signed an agreement, and now they are back in court arguing about the terms of the agreement...I get the sense Little Orbit is just trying to run them out of money with all this legal action.

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