Dragon Age to be single-player


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
So this was the BioWare IP I was really worried about. I don't know what was going on at all these EA <-> BioWare meetings recently, but it looks like Dragon Age has a fighting chance to be decent...

Hmm my guess is that the guys at Bioware pull out theyr cocones and slap into EA face the failure that Anthem has been (can we talk to the past now about it since is basically dead??) and manage to convice the dickhead of the marketing dept that programmers know better then them how to do a game... especially considered the hystory of games BW pull out in the past that won't be so distant form the actual truth.


Space Marshal
Oct 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Considering it was originally supposed to be an Anthem style GaaS, I don't have much hope they can rejigger whatever they've already made, in a way that'll still make for a good game. It might be decent though, if they can seriously improve their writing, however I don't think they have any good writers left. I'd expect it to be at most a 70/100 game.
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