Since the first time I saw the "Stella Fortuna" event on CIG website there always be a green Costellation and a green Ursa... Last Year CIG dumped the Conny for a green variant of the Cutty with the Ursa....
This year CIG is going for a compleat renew of the green lineup with some interesting choices.
Well first on foremost the simple thing: if someone will like to buy the MSR with LTIU here is another chance to have it!
The "Fortuna 2951 package" came with the MSR (LTI) the new MSR green skin and our new gound toy also with green livery for the a total of 328€/360$ warbond only... considering that the standard MSR is 260$ I'll gladly go for a CCU rather then look for this package..
Let's talk about the new toy and that is the Cyclone MT: what the hell is that??'
CIG basically spit out a new cyclone w variant that ride a bit lower (and I assume will be a bit slower the then standard TR variant), but not only sport a manned turret with the S1 gun of the TR, but also add a couple of bespoke S2 missile launchers to it, making it a Frankenstein of the TR and the AA.
Compared ot the AA it loose the EMP that for a ground vehicles ia a bit of a meh at the moment and the driver controlled weapon, but it aearn the ability to shoot missile in any direction and to both spacecraft and ground vehicles, plus, when the "missile operator mode" will cma einto play, the abiility to use those missile for targerting ground istallation while dumpfire them (dumb-fire missile will be an option for all the missiles BTW).
Leaving the cost factor aside, my doubt right now is: why one should prefer the standard TR over this??
Personally I think this variant will be a killer for the TR model that will simply disappear form the radar since it doesn't have any advantage over the MT.
Don't get me wrong I like the new MT, but I whould have done it a bit different to not make it a direct competor to the TR, in particular I whould have mount the missiles on the side of the hull and slaved them to the pilot, plus streatch the chasse of the Cyclon to produce a six wheels variant, bot to accomodate the missiles, and for preventing it to fit in the same space of the TR allowing it to keep a purpose in the small combat vehicles range...
This year CIG is going for a compleat renew of the green lineup with some interesting choices.
Well first on foremost the simple thing: if someone will like to buy the MSR with LTIU here is another chance to have it!
The "Fortuna 2951 package" came with the MSR (LTI) the new MSR green skin and our new gound toy also with green livery for the a total of 328€/360$ warbond only... considering that the standard MSR is 260$ I'll gladly go for a CCU rather then look for this package..
Let's talk about the new toy and that is the Cyclone MT: what the hell is that??'
CIG basically spit out a new cyclone w variant that ride a bit lower (and I assume will be a bit slower the then standard TR variant), but not only sport a manned turret with the S1 gun of the TR, but also add a couple of bespoke S2 missile launchers to it, making it a Frankenstein of the TR and the AA.
Compared ot the AA it loose the EMP that for a ground vehicles ia a bit of a meh at the moment and the driver controlled weapon, but it aearn the ability to shoot missile in any direction and to both spacecraft and ground vehicles, plus, when the "missile operator mode" will cma einto play, the abiility to use those missile for targerting ground istallation while dumpfire them (dumb-fire missile will be an option for all the missiles BTW).
Leaving the cost factor aside, my doubt right now is: why one should prefer the standard TR over this??
Personally I think this variant will be a killer for the TR model that will simply disappear form the radar since it doesn't have any advantage over the MT.
Don't get me wrong I like the new MT, but I whould have done it a bit different to not make it a direct competor to the TR, in particular I whould have mount the missiles on the side of the hull and slaved them to the pilot, plus streatch the chasse of the Cyclon to produce a six wheels variant, bot to accomodate the missiles, and for preventing it to fit in the same space of the TR allowing it to keep a purpose in the small combat vehicles range...