Definitely so. A copilot that can choose between IR or Crossection, short or long range missiles depending on what the pilot is calling for can make a massive difference in combat now.
Well about ranges... as far as I can tell missiles range are all similar right now.
S1 and S2 missiles have both a 10Km range, same for S3 missiles. What really change is minimum range... and I suspect some other spect on amnuvrability that ae not so visible.
Max range vary most, but to have a significant renge improvement you nee dto move to S4 missiles that boost up to 20Km.
Considering the lack of enviromental effect on the signature even the choice of traking type could have marginal effect, the most valuable choice right now I think are the detonation trigger (strike or proximity) and the damege: for countering small fighter a proximity trigger give you a bettr chance to damage it (since you don't need to actually hit the target), while the more powerfull strike missile are more suitable for slow beefy target.
Cluster missile are, as always a "special" type of missile and they are a story in there own.
Ballistics run out extremely fast!
Ammo seems precious in this patch, you need a dedicated support craft following you everywhere :P
Well that depend on the Ballist weapons.
Gatlings are relally shot on magazine, too short IMHO, they'll need at least double if not triple the current capacity to be a viable weapons: at the speed they run trough bullet is too easy to bump several round in the void, and do to the reduced alpha damage you need to dump severl hit on a target and long burst don't play on the accuracy side.
Cannons are, on the other hand, nicely good. Sure you need to cound bullet now, but considering the slow rate of fire you can have more control and land more hit on, plus the high damage require few hit to take out the target, so in this case is a good limitation that force player to actually aim rather then "spray and pray".