Newbie question: What does planning a Fleet means in SC?


Mar 27, 2022
RSI Handle
So I am noob. Have one starter ship, TItan, and learning the ropes. Some veterans have mentioned "planning out fleets". My question is what does that mean? At the end of the day, a player can only use only one ship. I understand that each ship has a particular role and a person likes a ship for its use and aesthetics. Therefore to me, this means that players plan out what ships they will acquire to play different roles. Hence plan a fleet of ships for different roles. Am I missing something else here?


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Yes, different roles.

A mining ship, salvage, cargo.. different ships for different game loops.

All these ships will be purchasable in-game through normal gameplay, so Im not sure what "planning" there is. Its not as if you need some sort of high level strategy.


Mar 27, 2022
RSI Handle
Yes, different roles.

A mining ship, salvage, cargo.. different ships for different game loops.

All these ships will be purchasable in-game through normal gameplay, so Im not sure what "planning" there is. Its not as if you need some sort of high-level strategy.
That is what I thought. This is not a grand strategy game. I saw your Scorpius video (BTW very cool) and you mentioned Kraken as your future home base. So does this mean that in a multiship battle you will be using that Ship with other friends and teammates manning different stations and other friends flying their respective ships with crews? Amy I correct? (Can't wait for gaming at that level.)


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
First off, ”fleet” is a term that is bandied about, but is often used incorrectly when it comes to SC.

A fleet is a set of ships that sails together.
Test can organize several ”fleets” from among the various members of Test that are willing to either supply or crew ships.

what we have as individual backers is a ship collection. In other words,we have a set of ships from which we can choose to play with during our gaming time.

we won’t be able to have multiple NPCs taking over our ships so that we can sail out in force with a Javelin, and Idris, 2 Kraken types, a Polaris, and fighter escort by ourselves.

we might be able to loan ships, be able to spawn a few ships, but you can only fly one ship at a time.

This, we have a ship collection, not a “fleet”

as for why people have them….ummm, they want them, they enjoy them, they want to back SC…or maybe they are just gamers with big wallets or no other hobbies to spend their discretionary money on…

the reason is different for everyone.
I know I don’t have the largest fleet here by any stretch, but the ships I have, I enjoy flying and it gives me the option to play different loops…miner, salvage, cargo hauler, data runner, etc….and all of these ships can be purchased in-game for in-game currency.


Mar 11, 2022
RSI Handle
First off, ”fleet” is a term that is bandied about, but is often used incorrectly when it comes to SC.
Indeed. When people talk about fleet planning in SC what they actually mean is hangar or garage planning. Fleet isn't necessarily incorrect, as a business can have a fleet of cars for employees to use for instance, but it is a bit ambiguous.

Thank you. Now I just need friends.
Later on, you'll be able to hire NPCs to do simple tasks like repair the ship or use turrets. But these NPCs will (intentionally) not perform as well as a human in the same role. Some ships also have the ability to slave weapons/turrets to server blades within the ship, using ship computing resources to run the turrets. This is cheaper than paying NPCs to do it but will likely have other downsides that are still undisclosed and will be limited to ships with that feature.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
. . .what we have as individual backers is a ship collection. In other words,we have a set of ships from which we can choose to play with during our gaming time. . .
It needs to be said that some people acquire many ships to play many roles, some in order to support the game, and some because they're under the mistaken impression that they are somehow "winning" by buying ships. Shades of consumerism peeking into the game.

You can buy just the game package and there will be thousands of ships at your fingertips here at TEST. Many players have so many ships that they're willing to put them out on indefinite loan, and the mechanism to do that is supposed to be improved in the future. So for example, nearly everyone who has a Nautilus will need an experienced, thoughtful, Captain for that ship except during the rare times they decide to Captain it. In order to be useful, the Nautilus needs to be fielded in small groups, with things like Mantis and support craft, so any player who shows competance, initiative, and vision could be placed on the bridge of that very cunning and cool ship.

The place to start on that path is Discord. Meet the guys.

One especially important question to ask yourself before buying is "what skills do I want to master?" There's no point owning a Nautilus if you're not focused on battlefield strategy. You don't want a Sentinel unless you intend to learn to tank. The M50 won't do you any good if you don't plan to fly acrobatic, but if you do, the opportunities to fly stealth recon are going to multiply greatly as soon as the Vanduul come into the PU. IMHO, it makes sense to buy a ship once you're convinced you want to master the skills and role for that ship.

If you are drawn to roles best suited to multi-crew ships, you have to connect with a crew that wants to fly that ship in that role, and when you do odds are they already have the ship, so in general; building a fleet suited to the roles you like that is mostly single or double seater will best serve your short term interests.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
First off, ”fleet” is a term that is bandied about, but is often used incorrectly when it comes to SC.

A fleet is a set of ships that sails together.
Test can organize several ”fleets” from among the various members of Test that are willing to either supply or crew ships.
Not to throw an "actually" in there, but... Actually, a fleet is either a group of ships that sails together, OR are under the same ownership (/affiliation).
For example, you often hear news of "The _____ merchant fleet," which isn't actually a group of ships sailing together, but the sum total of all individual trade vessels committing trade across the globe sailing under the same flag (whether it's a company flag or a country flag). You might also occasionally hear the term "The ____ merchant navy," which is pretty similar in meaning (though I think that's just more exclusive to country flags). Heck, wikipedia even defines merchant navy as "A merchant navy or merchant marine is the fleet of merchant vessels that are registered in a specific country. "

So yes, we got fleets.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
To add slightly.. the active members have all the ships in game. If you are interested in checking out something that is flyable, ask in Discord, somebody has it available.

For ships not in game yet, asking opinions is a fun way to trigger a descent into chaos. Definitely worth doing.

The point has been made, but I'll tackle it from a different angle - most of the ships in game will work best with players for crew, by design. There is an almost pathological push toward forcing people to play together via game mechanics. So unless you are genuinely an INTJ personality type, stay with one or two that work for getting you around and playing when you want to. The rest of the time jump on Discord and join the group.

tldr; YOUR time in game is valuable to us!
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Mar 27, 2022
RSI Handle
To add slightly.. the active members have all the ships in game. If you are interested in checking out something that is flyable, ask in Discord, somebody has it available.

For ships not in game yet, asking opinions is a fun way to trigger a decent into chaos. Definitely worth doing.

The point has been made, but I'll tackle it from a different angle - most of the ships in game will work best with players for crew, by design. There is an almost pathological push toward forcing people to play together via game mechanics. So unless you are genuinely an INTJ personality type, stay with one or two that work for getting you around and playing when you want to. The rest of the time jump on Discord and join the group.

tldr; YOUR time in game is valuable to us!
Awesome. Thanks for the comments. I am on discord but I have not participated in discussion there much. I will engage and get connected.


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
Can't wait for gaming at that level.
And to a certain extent, this is ALREADY HERE. From time to time there are special 'dynamic' missions that become available that are designed to make larger groups work together. Keep an eye out for Nine Tails, Jumptown, and Xenothreat missions, as IMO that's the BEST time to jump in a server with other TESTies and team up in various different roles/ships/etc. We even do it a bit of our own volition which is fun too, (mining, bunker missions, etc.) but truly the dynamic missions are the highlight of this game so far and not to be missed!

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Thank you. Now I just need friends.
Count us in.

On fleet planning, good luck! At this point there are lots of ships to choose from and hundreds of thousands of opinions on each. My advice is to just go with your interest / heart, keeping in mind that some ships have overlapping roles and you may not be able to fly all of them, depending on your playstyle and availability. Always feel welcome to ask for insights on ships here.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I have to wonder for us long-time backers if our fleet planning is just a thin veil disguise of our obsession much like pokemon cards in acquiring them all. And as @Montoya mentioned all of the ships will be purchasable in in-game currency. But I would like to expand on that while all ships can be purchased you don't need all ships to participate in all aspects of the game. In fact, the two basic starter packages with either the Aurora or Mustang are enough to get you flying the stars and participating in the vast majority of the playable universe. It's easy to forget that ships are not the line of progression in this game. While some ships will make select tasks easier to accomplish most of the larger ships purpose is to allow multiple players to work together on a single task and not necessarily give an insurmountable advantage over the single-player ship.

As it stands you have a great ship with the TItan and unless you have extra cash you wish to donate to CIG to make the game, there really is no need to buy any other ship.


Vice Admiral
Mar 25, 2022
RSI Handle
I have to wonder ... if our fleet planning is just a thin veil disguise of our obsession much like pokemon cards in acquiring them all.
Gib pixels...

I'm also wondering if insurance will be required for UEC ships, and what that'll look like. I guess in game stuff will have to stop being wiped for that to be feasible. Will insurance end up being required for $ ships, in the end? Will there be deductibles? Metaverse-ness is starting to hurt my head...
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Gib pixels...

I'm also wondering if insurance will be required for UEC ships, and what that'll look like. I guess in game stuff will have to stop being wiped for that to be feasible. Will insurance end up being required for $ ships, in the end? Will there be deductibles? Metaverse-ness is starting to hurt my head...
Insurance will be required for all ships (cash, credit, UEC) if you want to receive a new ship in case yours is destroyed. If you fly without insurance, you WILL lose your ship.

the insurance being talked about is hull insurance, which means it cover your hull and the base components. Standard Hull Insurance is what you will pay for in-game once your initial insurance coverage expires. LTI is the same as SHI, but there are no payments for it. There is also upgrade insurance and cargo insurance. These are yet to be developed, but risk level may factor in to how much it costs or if it pays out if you go to an area that exceeds that covered risk level.

SHI is said to be cheap, but if you are a person with a 100+ship collection, that will get expensive. Rule of thumb. Under 10 ships, it nice but not needed. 10-20 owned ships, try to get it if you can, 20+, get LTI for everyone you can

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
The other plan is to consider a progression in your chosen profession. So, for example, a ROC, a Prospector, a MOLE and an Orion.
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