I was so impressed by Vulture displayed at Drake DefenseCon, that I checked its upgrade options. The only ship I could theoretically decommission was Gladius, the ship I'm using for hard flying only, but I wasn't sure about upgrading it to salvager. I checked ship loaner matrix, and to my surprise I found that Vulture loaners are Prospector (interesting choice) and... Buccaneer!
I'm a proud owner of the Vulture LTI now, with the very cool space miner and the "huge-engines-with-the-small-ship-attached-to-them" fighter on loan. I do not invest in any concept ship unless it has a useful loaner or loaners, or unless it can be purchased as cheap CCU or CCUs to one of the flyable ships I already own.
In this case I didn't even have to spend any real money on the new ship, as I upgraded Gladius to Vulture and used store credits to pay the difference. If I need a fast light fighter once the salvager is released, I would buy Gladius again, either on RSI store or in game.
Ship loaner matrix for reference --
Have you found yourself in possession of a pledge with a ship that's not yet Flight Ready? We've got you covered, providing you with a loaner ship to ensure that you are able to fly inside the curr...
Nice Vulture pictures by BARTISHERE --
View: https://twitter.com/BARTISHERE87/status/1531021680205758466