Database Wipe Incoming 3.17.2

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
For those who do not frequent Spectrum, the above was just announced.


Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
All is impermanent. Value is in experience. Space-hobo life is the only life immune to the mighty wipe. All hail the free vac suit.
Free vac suit is life.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
Not just credits,
"With Alpha 3.17.2 , Items and the Wallet (aUEC) will be wiped, but we've taken steps to ensure your current reputation remains. "
"all your account-attributed items (pledges, subscriber flair, rewards, etc.) will remain. "

Well there goes 85 Million Credits hehehehehe
Time to start grinding again. LMAO


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
You lose your IG purchased ships & vehicles, right? Not just credits, guns, etc?
You lose all the items you have, including cash, armor, ships, etc. that you purchased in-game.
They are going to try and not wipe your reputations.
The only items you will keep is the stuff you bought with real money or were credited to your account via rewards or subscription flair.

I've been seeing a lot of complaints on that thread. "But I just spent 4 months grinding for my hammerhead"... etc.

I know this is an alpha, but a lot of people seem to think of this as a released game, and CIG waffles back and forth in their communication. Yes, a lot of it does say "this is an alpha", some of their verbal communications indicate otherwise "this is a live service". CIG needs to stop trying to get people to jump in thinking it's a finished game and actually give a consistent "this is alpha" statement.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
You lose all the items you have, including cash, armor, ships, etc. that you purchased in-game.
They are going to try and not wipe your reputations.
The only items you will keep is the stuff you bought with real money or were credited to your account via rewards or subscription flair.

I've been seeing a lot of complaints on that thread. "But I just spent 4 months grinding for my hammerhead"... etc.

I know this is an alpha, but a lot of people seem to think of this as a released game, and CIG waffles back and forth in their communication. Yes, a lot of it does say "this is an alpha", some of their verbal communications indicate otherwise "this is a live service". CIG needs to stop trying to get people to jump in thinking it's a finished game and actually give a consistent "this is alpha" statement.
Very good point about the communication!
When you hold live events in game to get ppl in, just to take away their stuff a few weeks later is rough. Also having CR on stage say that "we realized we are running a live game" and then blame everything on "but it's an alpha"... it's confusing at best. Yes I know there are warnings you have to click through every time you purchase something in the store, it's still a really strange look when you push out videos and emails about "come, earn your ingame stuff in this weeks event" just to be taken away at a random time not much later.
Ppl just gotta get used to it I guess.

I hope it at least fixes some ship issues (I'm still flying around in a free rental invictus Herc A2) and I wouldn't mind if looting wouldn't bug out every 5 minutes.


Vice Admiral
Mar 25, 2022
RSI Handle
I'm happy for the wipe. So many duped and unusable ships, inventory bugs, etc. Also gives a reason to go loot good weapons as people stocked up on unavailable weapons and armor a good bit before the loot patch a few months back.
Hopefully this resolves the insurance claim problem. I can't even get to most of my ships!
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