Man you were right, that anime rocks.
Glad you're enjoying it!
Have you cried yet?
You know how I know that it was really effing good?
I miss it!
I can't really think of anything else from the last year or 5 really that I miss. I wanna see more! And yet...
I'm pretty certain it will get a second season, probably following one of the side characters, and probably watering down her character and kinda ruining the whole thing. Unless it's an all new story with an all new cast, I don't think it can work. Also, it's the Studio Trigger formula, if you seen it once...
I do hope we get to see a totally different viewpoint of living in NC, maybe some shop owners day-in-the-life who gets caught up in stuff, but not so over the top as this one.
If they did a short stories series where we follow a bartender from Afterlife and as the patrons come in they tell their crazy antics and we get to see those as action while we also get and overarching story of the bartenders life. I'd watch the hell outta that as well.
Oh man, there's just so many things they could follow that aren't the usual heroes depressing journey to flesh out this world even more!
I know I'm kinda hijacking this thread, but I don't see almost anyone caring about CyberP anymore so... guess it's okay? lol
Oh Gloriousest of all leaders, care to explain why haven't you watched and reviewed it on your channel yet? lol
It would get alotta views I'm sure, and I think it's worth your time just for the enjoyment of it. It's more CP2077, and even better imo. Although I gotta admit this style is not everyone's cuppa tea.
Oh, and it might be a cartoon, but deffo don't watch it with small kids lol It's one of those where the 16+ rating is well deserved.