Help! Really tempted to melt/upgrade my Liberator this IAE

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Tough one!

I see the utility of the Liberator to transport small, non-jump-capable ships. I can see this game mechanic proving to be a big deal in Star Citizen, depending on the direction CIG goes.

That said, I have larger alternatives for this role too. So the Liberator is on my list as a potential ship to CCU to an RSI Galaxy if one releases.
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Space Marshal
Nov 17, 2015
RSI Handle
Tough one!

I see the utility of the Liberator to transport small, non-jump-capable ships. I can see game mechanic proving to be a big deal in Star Citizen, depending on the direction CIG goes.

That said, I have larger alternatives for this role too. So the Liberator is on my list as potential ship to CCU to an RSI Galaxy if one releases.
The Galaxy was one of the options I was considering, if it's above 575$ in value that is...many ppl think it will be below 550, who knows.

The other option I was thinking was the Nautilus, so low key and I like the design/role.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I would say, if the dream has altered, go ahead and alter it. You will have opportunities to reversse the decision if it doesn't work out.
And I for one have a liberator should you ever need to liberate or get liberated. Or so drunk from your liberty that you need a ride home.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I'm intending to get the Liberator to use as a solo player mobile mining\refining outpost - Prospector, Expanse, ROC, and (soon) a Medical Pisces (and/or some small cargo hauler) should permit most of the gameplay that currently appeals to me.

With the current CCU for the BMM, getting to the Nautilus has become $50 cheaper for you should you decide to go down that path as well, though.


Vice Admiral
Jul 16, 2022
RSI Handle
I cant put my finger on it exactly but I have been thinking that the Liberator I have wont be as useful as I thought previously...

I want to love it but I have an itch to upgrade it.

Please help convince me either way, id love to see your thoughts on it!
If the ship you want is above $575 and is not the Carrack or Hammerhead then ccu but don't apply it until you see the ship after it is flight ready that way at worst you have a ccu/ccu's that can be melted for store credit or used in a chain at a later date.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
For me personally, the Liberator is on my list of ships I plan to buy in-game, as I see the functional use(s) for it that're applicable to the things I'd like to be able to do, but it doesn't 'speak' to me to the degree of willing to spend real money on it.
As for the Nautilus, this seems like an EXTREMELY niche ship that is more inline with supporting Org activities than player activities, so I'd expect to get far more use out of the Liberator than a Nautilus...but it is also important to go with the ships that speak to you as it is your money after all!


Space Marshal
Nov 17, 2015
RSI Handle
For me personally, the Liberator is on my list of ships I plan to buy in-game, as I see the functional use(s) for it that're applicable to the things I'd like to be able to do, but it doesn't 'speak' to me to the degree of willing to spend real money on it.
As for the Nautilus, this seems like an EXTREMELY niche ship that is more inline with supporting Org activities than player activities, so I'd expect to get far more use out of the Liberator than a Nautilus...but it is also important to go with the ships that speak to you as it is your money after all!
Good points for sure, the Lib would most definitely get more practical use between them.

I heard the Nautilus may be able to use automated point defence drones/mines instead of only the kind that go boom :)

If it indeed is this games pet class/drone carrier, then they can have my wallet!


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Good points for sure, the Lib would most definitely get more practical use between them.

I heard the Nautilus may be able to use automated point defence drones/mines instead of only the kind that go boom :)

If it indeed is this games pet class/drone carrier, then they can have my wallet!
Currently, there are only three confirmed/planned mines/drones:

Nautilus - Homing Mine - TransparentCropped.pngHoming MineThe Firestorm Kinetics Tephra Homing Mine is a mine that once within range, will move towards the target and detonate. Its primary role is to establish a defensive perimeter. This mine has the same destructive power as a size 5 torpedo.
Nautilus - Nemo Drone - TransparentCropped.pngNEMO DroneThe Saga Datasystems NEMO Drone (Neutralize and Employ Mine Ordnance) is a drone specifically designed for the task of identifying, deactivating and collecting deployed mines. In accordance with amendment 17c1 of the Militia Mobilization Initiative, a mine retrieval device must be present and functional aboard all armed minelaying craft.
Nautilus - Sentry Mine - TransparentCropped.pngSentry MineThe Behring VLR-11 Sentry Mine is a mine fitted with weapons that will fire on hostile targets when within range. Its primary role is perimeter defense. The sentry can house 2x size 2 guns.


Space Marshal
Nov 17, 2015
RSI Handle
"The Behring VLR-11 Sentry Mine is a mine fitted with weapons that will fire on hostile targets when within range. Its primary role is perimeter defence. The sentry can house 2x size 2 guns."

Imagine deploying 24 of those little anti-fighters :)
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Grand Admiral
Aug 31, 2019
RSI Handle
I think the Liberator is not just a transport ship. I feel it is a great FPS assault ship or FOB. It has facility to transport and support troops long distances. With the addition of soft-death, many ships will need to be boarded in the future. Imagine:

1. Large or capital ship experiences soft death so you launch your Legionnaire's with boarding parties and keep a C8R on standby.
2. You decide to assault a base so you can land a few kilometer's away and launch Spartan's with Centurion support.

I think those scenarios are worth considering. Question is: Do you want to manage the ship (Liberator) to make that happen and coordinate activities or do you want to fly an assault vehicle or be one of the FPS grunts. Personally ... I'd want to be one of the grunts.
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