2022 Letter from the Chairman

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
It's ALWAYS 2 years away.
I confess I have been seeing SQ42 in more a villainous role than it seems it deserves. I was under the impression that SQ42 was added to the original vision after the original fundraiser. Montoya clarified the point in his recent Tomato talk that rather, it was pitched from the start. Seems I have one less thing to complain about.

I still have a much longer list than I need so no troubles there.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Hmm. As I recall, and that's just me - but the Kickstarter video was for Star Citizen. SQ42 was introduced a couple months later: and there are later references to Star Citizen - Squadron 42.
Check the Kickstarter history too
Oct 10, 2012: Check the video name.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVua4SsaGqU
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmm. As I recall, and that's just me - but the Kickstarter video was for Star Citizen. SQ42 was introduced a couple months later: and there are later references to Star Citizen - Squadron 42.
Check the Kickstarter history too
Oct 10, 2012: Check the video name.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVua4SsaGqU
The original pitch was for a SINGLE PLAYER successor to wing commander. I don't care how it looks like now, this is a fact. As an OG backer when I backed there was no mmo. Later there was a vote about something with stretch goals and mmo being mentioned but I didn't really care back then as it wasn't the focus and I wasn't a fan of the idea anyways. Time went by, millions got raised and here we are today, no single player game in sight like it was never even the focus, and an MMO that's unlike anything else but badly off the rails at this point.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
The original pitch was for a SINGLE PLAYER successor to wing commander. I don't care how it looks like now, this is a fact. As an OG backer when I backed there was no mmo. Later there was a vote about something with stretch goals and mmo being mentioned but I didn't really care back then as it wasn't the focus and I wasn't a fan of the idea anyways. Time went by, millions got raised and here we are today, no single player game in sight like it was never even the focus, and an MMO that's unlike anything else but badly off the rails at this point.
Ok so you won't check. This is not how it looks like now, this is when that video was published.
No problem if you have a different opinion, that's not for me to judge.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Ok so you won't check. This is not how it looks like now, this is when that video was published.
No problem if you have a different opinion, that's not for me to judge.
It's not an opinion, but it really doesn't matter at this point. The commonly held beliefe is that SQ42 is an addendum that came later, a side project that doesn't matter cos we are ALL here for the MMO and nothing else. It's factually wrong, but again, doesn't matter.
Personally I'm of the now-few who backed way more for Squadron, and that is what I wanted to see. Not in 10+ years, but maybe in 3-5.
A "simple" oldschool dogfighting space combat game with a decent storyline and universe behind it, with insane scale and fidelity for the time. We hadn't had anything of the sort since WC5 and Freespace2 so I was really wanting that.

Instead we have this letter. No news for years now on the single player, tons of missed deadlines, bugs upon bugs from years ago, and letters telling us to just wait another 1-2 years for something that will change everything. I already said my piece after the failure that was this years CitCon, I won't repeate it here. TLDR It's disappointing, but I also have my fair share of fun with friends in what we currently have, so whadda hell.
When passionate ppl are slapped in the face with the reality that the thing they were hoping for over a year is still going to take another 2 or 4 or god knows how many, it takes that passion away.
I think that's what upsets me the most about this.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
It's not an opinion, but it really doesn't matter at this point. The commonly held beliefe is that SQ42 is an addendum that came later, a side project that doesn't matter cos we are ALL here for the MMO and nothing else. It's factually wrong, but again, doesn't matter.
Personally I'm of the now-few who backed way more for Squadron, and that is what I wanted to see. Not in 10+ years, but maybe in 3-5.
A "simple" oldschool dogfighting space combat game with a decent storyline and universe behind it, with insane scale and fidelity for the time. We hadn't had anything of the sort since WC5 and Freespace2 so I was really wanting that.

Instead we have this letter. No news for years now on the single player, tons of missed deadlines, bugs upon bugs from years ago, and letters telling us to just wait another 1-2 years for something that will change everything. I already said my piece after the failure that was this years CitCon, I won't repeate it here. TLDR It's disappointing, but I also have my fair share of fun with friends in what we currently have, so whadda hell.
When passionate ppl are slapped in the face with the reality that the thing they were hoping for over a year is still going to take another 2 or 4 or god knows how many, it takes that passion away.
I think that's what upsets me the most about this.
Well I totally get it for sure. For what it's worth, I'm only trying to point out that Star Citizen was mentioned in the Kickstarter the same day that Sq42 was. The first video is of Chris talking about both. He says it's real game engine footage...but that's a lot of fidelity that we don't have now.

I didn't back the game back then, until 2017. I was familiar with what happens when a game developer (or any developer for that matter) tries to become a project manager, especially if they're also the program owner. It's a recipe for disaster. But my own anticipation and wishful thinking... they're hard to fight forever.
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Yall could be like me and just not play the game till years later. i think the last time i even touched SC was back in 3.0 years ago.(and i only touched it for 1 day because of how garbage my machine was) Alot of you sound like you are putting in to much focus on the project. for all we know some of these issues are already in the works and have been for a long time internally. So lighten up a bit and relax play some other games for a bit SC shouldn't be your breath of everyday.
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