EVE Online making another attempt at first person shooter


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
This time it will be plugged right into EVE (meaning it won't be separate but sort of an alternative gamemode - "for and within EVE online".) and be on PC.

It is poised to be a PvPvE Extraction Shooter. There will be loot, different ammo types crafted in the field and squad play.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRXOSqbviwk

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NemR_hgsP60

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MN4Mlca9eY

My opinion is, I wonder how many years until it fails like Dust did. What do you think?
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Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
I liked Dust, but yea they killed it by being console only and the end of that PS era. I do hope they keep the vision of Dust somewhat and have orbital attacks and such.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
This just feels like too little too late. The tarkov train is long gone...

In the general public's eye EVE is irrelevant. It's too much effort for no instant gratification. It's a niche game for those obsessed with having a second job or running multi year long asshole schemes. For the vast majority there's already an extraction shooter that's come out or about to be released in any theme you can imagine.

Those who are already heavily invested may give this a try but I feel like this many years down the line, only the spreadsheat goblins remain and they won't be interested in the twitch-shooter gameplay much.
There might be some initial interest from outsiders if its fully free to play, but I very much doubt players will remain active in this for more than a couple of months unless it's fully integrated into big-EVE progression in some way.

TLDR.: I don't see a future in this, even if it satisfies the need for active gameplay for a short time, it won't last.

Mio Fujii

Sep 15, 2023
RSI Handle
Once they failed in their attempt to make the WOD MMO and then unplugged the bodies that they promised you would be able to walk around your stations with and socialize, they shot themselves in the foot. They were so close to adding the missing pieces to make their game so much better, but they backed off and decided to instead to go "pay to win" with PLEX bought skill points. Your accumulated skills were the only thing you really had to show for your efforts, now you can buy 10yrs worth of skill points in a weekend.


Space Marshal
Oct 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I lost all faith in CCP after they canceled both DUST and the Walking in Stations then they started taking Crypto and got bought by was if Perfect World and I was like done. GL to all the players that have stuck it out
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Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
now you can buy 10yrs worth of skill points in a weekend.
more like 2 minutes, not 2 days.

Vanguard doesn't seem to have anything that can remotely be described as a stand-out feature. and even as someone who never even thought of touching that subgenre of FPS, I feel confident enough to say that EVE Vanguard won't have any feature to set it apart from anything else in the market. if you want to play an extraction shooter, there are plenty of options out there that will offer you lots of things better.

as for me, I tried to start a fight club in EVE. get something goin in the 1-on-1 type of esports goin...
most people who even heard of it just said "that's a nice idea" and left it at that, or just didn't show any response to my spamming in local. some people did come and gave a good sport - but those kinds of players are rare. and they never follow rule number one of fightclub (talk about it as much as possible).
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