Star Citizen Live SPECIAL EDITION: A More Stable Universe - TEXT SUMMARY


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
The summary looks great but was just too much to read so I just watched the damn thing. I look forward to more stability. More features and new ships are great and all, but if you can't even log in or take an elevator to your hanger then whats the point of new stuff. I think this is a move in the right direction, get what they have playable and stable and then add more bugs to it.
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Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Oi dude, now you're cussing!
I mean, Daikatana!
You're caling down the wrath of the gods on us all!
That's like climbing a mountaintop in a thunderstorm, dressed in copper armor and screaming "Thor you wimp! Part 4 sucked ass!!"
Also, you are some old time gamer if you even know about those legends of eld... :o7:


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
No Glorious Leader, they have to release a game that people will buy.

How many people already have a copy of SQ42? Lots. What they need is to sell to people new to the project or don’t have the game in their pack, and who won’t wait for reviews to buy it.

I don’t think CIG’s going to have the number of initial sales people think they will. I think too many will “wait and see” for 5-20 days to see what the initial buzz is. If it’s good, they might get a decent amount of sales. If it’s not good, there is the possibility it tanks the whole company.

They also have to release it, which is something CR seems to be unwilling to do because he keeps pushing it back. Right now, it probably has the same odds as dakatana of selling well.
I don't know man, hype these days is just too insane. Once a few streamers, Superman/Witcher/40K Guy, and tons of famous gamers devote their lives to SQ42 because it's so epic the hype train will leave the station at full speed and there will be no looking back. Especially, if the PU is as fun or funner than the Sqauadron.

I'm always a optimist tho so that could just be me.
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Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
No Glorious Leader, they have to release a game that people will buy.

How many people already have a copy of SQ42? Lots. What they need is to sell to people new to the project or don’t have the game in their pack, and who won’t wait for reviews to buy it.

I don’t think CIG’s going to have the number of initial sales people think they will. I think too many will “wait and see” for 5-20 days to see what the initial buzz is. If it’s good, they might get a decent amount of sales. If it’s not good, there is the possibility it tanks the whole company.

They also have to release it, which is something CR seems to be unwilling to do because he keeps pushing it back. Right now, it probably has the same odds as dakatana of selling well.
I don't know man, hype these days is just too insane. Once a few streamers, Superman/Witcher/40K Guy, and tons of famous gamers devote their lives to SQ42 because it's so epic the hype train will leave the station at full speed and there will be no looking back. Especially, if the PU is as fun or funner than the Sqauadron.

I'm always a optimist tho so that could just be me.
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Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Okay, enough booze for today.
I'm starting to get double-vision...


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Oi dude, now you're cussing!
I mean, Daikatana!
You're caling down the wrath of the gods on us all!
That's like climbing a mountaintop in a thunderstorm, dressed in copper armor and screaming "Thor you wimp! Part 4 sucked ass!!"
Also, you are some old time gamer if you even know about those legends of eld... :o7:
There I was the dawn of the personal computer age...Mattel had an electronics game system called intellivision that you could place baseball on (really bad power switch design though), and even an add on module that allowed for "voice". A time when CP/M still held sway, where you could buy a game on a cassette tape, and a little known port of the Moria game changed the life of a 8 year old forever.

I was a witness to the video game crash of 1983, for the rise of the SSI gold box games, I saved the world of Xeen, and heard the tales of the bard. I engaged the kilrathi in combat as a combat pilot from the Tigerclaw, and ran cargos as a merchant in Privateer. I was there at the dawn of Diku and wielded the T-bolt of Zeus, torn from his very hands during a raid. I joined the second age of Ultima online and destroyed Fippy Darkpaw in Everquest. I helped out on the original cleric epic quest in EQ and battled Nagafen, the Lady Vox, and Phinigel Autropos in their lairs. I was one of the very first to sample the soils of Naboo near Kadaara and helped build the town of Pegasus Bay to its west. I was there when it jumped to lightspeed as well as the NCE and NGE. I was brought to the isle of refuge and ultimately to the town of Qeynos at the dawn of EQ2, but transferred my allegiance to Azeroth when I found out that you could log back in immediately after being disconnected ( I was living out of a Marriott hotel at the time and they reset the internet connections every hour causing link death).

I was there for the dawn of "Civilization" and every release since (I have Civ VII too), and was around when OS/2 when to Warp and Galactic Civilizations was still OS/2 only.

I camped the quad, I laser mined Duke Nukem. I was unreal at headshotting in the tournament. People would quake with fear when they saw my name come up on their team...especially if the map had a rocket launcher, railgun, or BFG.

So yeah, I am old, and I game...get off my lawn!

Seriously, thanks for the walk down memory lane. Remembering all these games made me smile.
  • Glorious
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Good old times. Rocket jumping in GLQuakeworld. I used to literally own Q3 with the railgun. 360 snap rail = bye bye your idea of winning a game.

Cant hit the side of a barn door with a Phalanx gun nowadays tho.
  • o7
Reactions: Mudhawk


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Remembering all these games made me smile.
That makes two.
I do admit that i only ever startet MMOs when Azeroth was still Vanilla.
But I did hear stories gallore of Ultima Online, SW Galaxies and them Everquests.
Don't believe half of them but even 50% sound like fun times.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
So yeah, I am old, and I game...get off my lawn!
Reminds me of a few years back, when WOW whent from burning hot to Lich-king cold, i walked into a convenience store.
Inside was an elderly gentleman shaking his greying hair and complaning to the clerk how much harder it was these days to keep up with them kids in the raids.
Back then I thought it funny.
Because, you know, Grandpa and games, right?
These days I feel with him.
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