Wait! I can explain! My real life handle is Too-Tall (tootall.) But due to constant mistakes pronouncing this, I have acquired a slew of way cooler handles. toot, toots, tootles, tootsies, toottootriot, tooshort?, etc. A little about me: 29, huge freaking guy, merica. I've been a gamer since the original Nintendo was released but mainly stayed on consoles until Internet porn was invented. So I totally had to buy a pc ASAP. Oh, and also to play minesweeper. Duh. I enjoy all games, but suck. No seriously. It took me a while to realize I couldn't use a sorcerer as a tank in stwor. fml right? But enough about my assets. My biggest and most current flaw is that I just joined SC a few days ago and am already nerding out way to much. I really need to be blocked from the SC store for a while.
Yeah... That about covers it.. Hope to get to know you all and am totally stoked to be here.
Yeah... That about covers it.. Hope to get to know you all and am totally stoked to be here.