Dock control, starkestrel requests permission to land


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?
Currently Portland, OR. In the last decade I've also lived in the Bay Area of California; midstate NY; and, too briefly, London, England. I travel a lot.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
I needed an ambitious unreleased game that would entice me into spending hundreds of dollars on the fantasy of life in space. So far, it's doing its job impressively well.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Living in my 315p and pretending that it has replaced my actual life. Not sure how I'll do that, though, as I've a ridiculous assortment of responsibilities IRL these days.

I like exploring and seeing new things. If exploration allows for that in SC, I might very well spend my days there. If it's micromanaging space coordinates and fuel supplies, I might go in a different direction.

When I first played EVE, I had a surprisingly fun time flying patrol for a group of miners and shooting pirates out of the skies. I'm uncertain I've the dogfighting ability to seriously do PVP, and will be unlikely to have the time to truly hone that craft, but I'll bring an LTI Super Hornet to PVE and do what I can in PVP. (You're welcome to hitch a ride, Wardak, if Magnumag ever has a different gunner onboard.)

The other playstyle I enjoy is making a truly fast ship and running courier missions and high-value small cargo hauling. I'd like to think I'm a blockade runner and stealth craft pilot, but we'll see if that holds up in the 'verse.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Wizardry I on an Apple IIe

What other games do you play?
Currently, my largest amount of hours is in Guild Wars 2. I've been playing since the first Beta Weekend. My next highest hours count is in Endless Space. I've played a fair quantity of the modern X-COM: Enemy Unknown and Countersrike: GO. And I have a well-populated library of Steam games that I've played to varying degrees.

That library is full of various space-related games, most of which haven't scratched any of my itches. I'm that sucker who spends money on almost anything that suggests the possibility of pretending I live in space, and they almost all fail to do it for me. I bought a new computer to play I-War (Independence War in the States), then bought a gaming laptop to play Wing Commander IV on the road.

Picard or Kirk?

There's better captains to emulate, and better shows to get lost in, but if I had to choose one space pilot / adventurer I'd want to be, it'd be John Crichton by a long shot.


Well met, everyone! I'm glad to have found a fun community to fly with.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Hi starkestrel

Great name btw, when I first got the kestrel in Eve I thought it was the coolest ship in the galaxy! The stealth bomber was my favorite.

Apple IIe? That was my first computer too, I miss that green monochrome screen.


Grand Moff of TEST Squardon
Nov 1, 2013
I needed an ambitious unreleased game that would entice me into spending hundreds of dollars on the fantasy of life in space. So far, it's doing its job impressively well.
Definitely in the right place! Welcome!

I'm uncertain I've the dogfighting ability to seriously do PVP, and will be unlikely to have the time to truly hone that craft.
Don't worry, ability doesn't matter here. The only thing that matters is number of Auroras owned.

I'd like to think I'm a blockade runner and stealth craft pilot, but we'll see if that holds up in the 'verse.
Another for the 501st! Wonderful!


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle
Hi starkestrel

Great name btw, when I first got the kestrel in Eve I thought it was the coolest ship in the galaxy! The stealth bomber was my favorite.
I have to confess I don't know Eve ships. I've played trial versions three times but never stuck with it, for a variety of reasons.

The kestrel, to me, is the hawkish bird.

Apple IIe? That was my first computer too, I miss that green monochrome screen.
I miss Wizardry! I used to be able to emulate it, but those disappeared a few years ago. Maybe when I switched over to Mac.

Definitely in the right place! Welcome!
Thank you. I'll put my credit card right over here...

Don't worry, ability doesn't matter here. The only thing that matters is number of Auroras owned.
My master plan is convert my hangar into Auroras just before game launch, then find that rare blueprint that lets me make a space-mecha out of them.

Another for the 501st! Wonderful!
I haven't heard of the 501st, but I'm guessing that may be the point of the squadron.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
That ship there is the kestrel, I was only kidding about making it your avatar, but if you insist! lol

The 501st are going to be the spec ops team.

TestBot is the commanding officer there. He runs with the 501st in another game at the moment called PlanetSide2.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle
Now I might need to change my name to hellokestrel.
Actually, I think hellokittstrel best captures the grandeur.

The problem I had signing up for the 501st is that I could never find their HQ. They sent me to some coordinates, but all I saw there was a bunch of asteroids.


Grand Moff of TEST Squardon
Nov 1, 2013
Actually, I think hellokittstrel best captures the grandeur.
HelloKestrel (or whatever capitalization variant thereof) is best IMO. Personal preference, of course. Also as soon as I learn GIMP (it's like photoshop but free) I'm going to create Hello Rabbit, but that won't be for a while.

The problem I had signing up for the 501st is that I could never find their HQ. They sent me to some coordinates, but all I saw there was a bunch of asteroids.
Joke's on you, we don't have an HQ! The game isn't even out yet!


Grand Moff of TEST Squardon
Nov 1, 2013
HUh? So what was the...

oh, nevermind.
Oops I forgot to include the part at the end of my last post, the part that says "And even when it is out, there's no way in hell we'll be organized enough to have anything even resembling an HQ!"


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle
I will wave my magic wand and change your username if you want :)
Not just yet, oh Master of Hamster Spread. There's the reddit id and SC id to consider. Reddit accounts can be discarded easily enough, but I want to think through the RSI thing for a moment.
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