What is Grasp?
Grasp stands for GRound, Air, and SPace. (based on SEALS being SEa, Air, and Land)
there are two parts of Grasp, Grasp CG (Combat Group) and Grasp Studios.
Grasp CG.
Grap cg has been delayed as we wait for Org divisions, and will most likely be rebraned to fit inside test. however I will be doing training events to help people get batter at Star Citizen. starting this Saturday at 9EST. (future dates will be time shifted to better help a larger group.
Grasp Studios
this is the youtube channel that I am launching to make SC fan content. it is for all that have a an idea and want to work to make it real.
I already have two projects starting in Grasp Studios, first my next video, (in early development) and the first one you can start working at. the grasp icon, the winner of the Grasp Icon will win a 5$ SC gift card! ether work on your idea or pm/talk to me on mumble about ideas that I have. May the best artiest win!
New video I am starting work on!
Grasp channel
Grasp Email.
[email protected]
Grasp stands for GRound, Air, and SPace. (based on SEALS being SEa, Air, and Land)
there are two parts of Grasp, Grasp CG (Combat Group) and Grasp Studios.
Grasp CG.
Grap cg has been delayed as we wait for Org divisions, and will most likely be rebraned to fit inside test. however I will be doing training events to help people get batter at Star Citizen. starting this Saturday at 9EST. (future dates will be time shifted to better help a larger group.
Grasp Studios
this is the youtube channel that I am launching to make SC fan content. it is for all that have a an idea and want to work to make it real.
I already have two projects starting in Grasp Studios, first my next video, (in early development) and the first one you can start working at. the grasp icon, the winner of the Grasp Icon will win a 5$ SC gift card! ether work on your idea or pm/talk to me on mumble about ideas that I have. May the best artiest win!
New video I am starting work on!
Grasp channel
Grasp Email.
[email protected]
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