A new TEST streamer...


Vice Admiral
Sep 15, 2015
RSI Handle
That would be me. Many of you know me.

I am known for flying wild loadouts (six different guns with six different PIPs on the Super Hornet, the 'Melee Aurora' - with 4x neutrons, etc.) Also known for being able to do passably well with an Aurora against just about any ship type.

My music playlist is renowned for its variation - from Nordic Death Metal to Michael Jackson to Sinatra.

I am 100% "adult" stream - I curse like my drunken Irish/Scottish/German ancestors, drink copious amounts of mead, whiskey, and hard cider, and often make references to my inabilities to satisfy women in bed.

I also have been known to be brutally honest, to rage, and to laugh at my own screw ups.

Right now, my schedule is pretty much 2200-0200 PST. I have given up on daytime streams due to the extreme server issues.

I will be revamping my stream shortly, from overlay to dedicated times.
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