I'd like to start a rather intense racing course for anyone with the will to join. Roughly 2 hours per day, for 2 weeks. See details below.
Proof of concept:
Started with Arranging Stars 4 days Prior to this post, and she's gone from 6:45min laps to 1:06min laps (her fastest atm, and by no means consistant)
The world record atm is 1:01:3min so there's a ways to go as shaving off time goes closer as one reaches optimal times, but once through the initial steps, learning is fast and improvements vast. Still this is hours of work.
Here's the deal, I take 3 disciples, and these are the spots:
1. CrimsonCyclist
2. TheZekk
If you beg: 4 spots ;D
Mental Resolve.
The goal:
You will be top 100 material on Track 1, Old Vanderval Leaderboard
You will be rank 25 material on Track 2, Rikkord Memorial
You will be rank 25 material on Track 3, Defford Link
The Curriculum: (28hrs)
1. Random Shive terminology
2. Ship selection Ship
3. Loadout Hotkeys & Control Scheme
4. Power Distribution and Flight Modes
5. Ship Behavior
- Ship Behavior Pitch vs Yaw
- Ship Behavior Bugs
- Ship Behavior Acceleration
- Ship Behavior Rolling In Turns
6. Turn Types
7. Map Layout
- Map Layout Shortcuts
- Map Layout Good vs Bad take-over spots
Before Starting:
1. Make sure you have a 350R or enough credit to rent one.
2. Make a twitch account, and set it up so you can stream. (I need this to evaluate your flying)
What to expect beyond the curriculum:
Drawings like these:
As you can see! I go to great lengths for you sauce swaggers!
Me streaming explaining shit you obviously don't understand!
Me lurking and giving you my input on your racing through YOUR twitch stream :).
As for the time: around 2 days within the 3 spots have been filled, the exact time will depend on the discples.