
Nov 28, 2015
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?
Norway, though I'm currently in Paris. A bit more lucky than the Angola assignment they offered me some years ago.

What was the first game you remember playing?

It must have been Tetris for sure on one of those handheld 1 game consoles. Other than that I got to try out Mario, Duck Hunt and Outrun on a cousins Nintendo 8-bit and Turtles on a game boy in a friends birthday party. After that I got a Sega Master System II from my mother, 6 months later it went out of production so finding games became quite tough. Sometimes I miss those old days, such joy when you finally found something worth playing.

What other games do you play?
I've used to play a little bit of everything, though World of Warcraft used to take up most of my time in the past. Other "recent" titles I enjoyed were Planetside 2 and Guild Wars 2. I also like some more story oriented games from time to time, like Mass Effect, Deus Ex (mostly due to the soundtrack).
In the past I was more PvE oriented but nowadays I tend to focus more on games where PvP is a factor.
Having said that, these days I just buy games and stare at the list of games for hours while reading about what other games I could buy instead of playing the ones I had.

What drew you to Star Citizen?

The cancellation of Firefly and the ability to spend money on things I can look at in my hangar for hours. It will become my new Orgrimmar bank roof for sure (spent way too much time on it).

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
The unexpected. It really doesn't matter too much what I do, as long as the feeling of "anything could happen" is present.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

To be honest I'm here by a mistake and lack of doing proper investigation. It was late, I was tired and while browsing the internet / youtube for 2.0 information I saw something about Test Squadron. Assuming it was a temporary forum / organization for testing out the PTU I pressed the Discord button as a placeholder and suddenly Shive joined the channel and started talking to me. I pressed some buttons and suddenly I were a affiliate member (Imperium being my main organization after joining a week or two before).
So here I was, I did some more research (yey) and today I made the rash decision to leave Imperium and set TEST as my main organization. Normally I like structured groups with a military focus. However, my job really doesn't allow me to spend large amounts of time in games so random fun will fit me better than a second job right now.

Picard or Kirk?
Neither to be honest, I'd much rather follow Captain Reynolds.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST. Grab a beer from the fridge and make yourself comfortable.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST! Don't worry, I think we might have a few srs bsns people here every now and then...
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