Test Yellow Beer Helmets for Star Citizen Con Idea


Vice Admiral
Feb 16, 2016
RSI Handle
So for Star Citizen Con I'm afraid I might not be able to make it (But who know) so beside that I'm hoping to give you luck lot an Testie Idea if this hasn't been brought up. Since we are a lovable beer loving group i thought it would be a nice idea to have to wear these Yellow Beer Hats with Test logo on it with Beers attached (They can be empty if even does not allow to bring beer) to show everyone the true spirit of our organization. I attached a link where you can get one for just under 10$ and I leave up to you guys if we can get stickers to attach the logo



Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I like this idea.
I not going to California, because that would cost at least 40 Auroras, and I only have 2.
But I like this so much, I am thinking about getting an old hard hat, spray painting it yellow, attaching beer holders, and Test Logos, and remaining in @Blind Owl 's basement drinking...


Space Marshal
Feb 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I like this idea.
I not going to California, because that would cost at least 40 Auroras, and I only have 2.
But I like this so much, I am thinking about getting an old hard hat, spray painting it yellow, attaching beer holders, and Test Logos, and remaining in @Blind Owl 's basement drinking...
i'm starting to think this should be our currency measure, like Cups of Time.

So we will measure time by cups, and money in aurora's.... :D
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Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
So we will measure time by cups, and money in aurora's.... :D
I secound this motion and also vote for it.... since we are not an electorate, I think that means the motion has passed.
I'll wait two cups to see if anyone doesn't like this motion, and then agree with myself that it has passed.
It's okay, I can make decisions, I have a certification!


Space Marshal
Feb 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I secound this motion and also vote for it.... since we are not an electorate, I think that means the motion has passed.
I'll wait two cups to see if anyone doesn't like this motion, and then agree with myself that it has passed.
It's okay, I can make decisions, I have a certification!
Motion Approved, and rubberstamped. I am certified to use that.
That will be 5 auroras for the stamp, and the bill will be released in 3 cups.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I would like to partake but unfortunately I live in England :p
They have beer there too I think :P

So we will measure time by cups, and money in aurora's.... :D
How many cups in a tall boy? How much longer is a case? Cases in a keg? How long is a full barrel? Is it a beer of the month or a month of beers? Do we observe leap beers? CAN we observe leap beers??? When I consume my beer out of my drinking horn (which is as badass as it sounds) does time travel slower for me? Can beer be relativistic? Would it depend on how drunk the observer is?

I have so many questions about this new system. We're going to need a beer calendar.


Space Marshal
Feb 25, 2016
RSI Handle
They have beer there too I think :p

How many cups in a tall boy? How much longer is a case? Cases in a keg? How long is a full barrel? Is it a beer of the month or a month of beers? Do we observe leap beers? CAN we observe leap beers??? When I consume my beer out of my drinking horn (which is as badass as it sounds) does time travel slower for me? Can beer be relativistic? Would it depend on how drunk the observer is?

I have so many questions about this new system. We're going to need a beer calendar.
*sigh* all your questions clearly shows you are a decendant of the americans, who constantly used different measures instead of the normal ones that makes sense.

To iterate the universally accepted system of time measurement is as follows.

1 spoon = 1 second
1 shotglass = 1 minute
1 cup = 1 hour
1 case = 24 hours
1 barrel = 1 month
1 brewery = 1 year

as to the money system, 1 aurora in current old money conversion rate is as follows

1 aurora = 25 USD
1 aurora = 171.02 DKK
1 aurora = 22.93 EUR
1 aurora = 17,76 GBP

so 1 keg of beer is around 3.4 Aurora's worth.
So one pallet of beer kegs are around 54.4 worth of aurora's

of course 10 Aurora's redeems into 1 Redeemer.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
*sigh* all your questions clearly shows you are a decendant of the americans, who constantly used different measures instead of the normal ones that makes sense.
I'm actually half Greek so that explains why I don't understand money either... Wait...
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