G'day All xD
Where you from stranger? I'm from Walkabout near Woopwoop Downunder (Stralya)
What drew you to Star Citizen? The awesomeness- FPS,Flight,Trading, Exploring and Epic dogfights!
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? Blotting out the sun with Auroras :D
What was the first game you remember playing? Asteroids on Atari - Good times, i've still got the old girl too.
What other games do you play? Anything really
How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? I saw a link to Montoya's introduction on youtube, watched it and thought thats the mind of community i want to be a part of.
Picard or Kirk? - Why isn't SOLO an option?? xD
Where you from stranger? I'm from Walkabout near Woopwoop Downunder (Stralya)
What drew you to Star Citizen? The awesomeness- FPS,Flight,Trading, Exploring and Epic dogfights!
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? Blotting out the sun with Auroras :D
What was the first game you remember playing? Asteroids on Atari - Good times, i've still got the old girl too.
What other games do you play? Anything really
How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? I saw a link to Montoya's introduction on youtube, watched it and thought thats the mind of community i want to be a part of.
Picard or Kirk? - Why isn't SOLO an option?? xD