Hey gang, Bungtater here, I am currently level 30 and so far I have only been able to do a couple of challenge mode encounters, not sure why but it seems every random group I join is foreign, some sounded chinese and some were definately french, not that I have issues playing with anyone else its just that 2 seconds into the group I get kicked for some reason, my gear is all purple/yellow and my dps and health should be more than fine for starting challenge mode.
Anyways I was wondering if anyone was interested in putting together challenge groups or who was up for running them and if there are certain class/talent specs needed to successfully do them, let me know I am usually free friday and saturday nights.
Anyways I was wondering if anyone was interested in putting together challenge groups or who was up for running them and if there are certain class/talent specs needed to successfully do them, let me know I am usually free friday and saturday nights.