Recent content by Arcturos

  1. Arcturos

    The interior of the new Origin 300 series.

    There is also a toilet and it's right across the entry point into the ship. Glitched in there too but didn't screenshot it. I'm liking this. If only it had a bit more cargo it might replace the avenger I have. It's about the same price anyway.
  2. Arcturos

    The interior of the new Origin 300 series.

    Managed to pan the camera and see inside the ship (credit to the dude that did it on the Hawk, saw it from him). View:
  3. Arcturos

    The One Ship Manufactuer you just can't stand

    HOW DARE YOU! I'll have you know I am an upstanding citizen who just prefers that brand for its no-nonsense design and industrial look. On the subject of the poll - Anvil. Bunch of good-for-nothings with ugly ships and cabins filled with screens to try and hide it. Their only saving grace is...
  4. Arcturos

    What's your guy's opinion on the new citizencon ships?

    Honestly, nothing peeked my interest. Well, the Kraken did, but .. dat price tag. I got a new PS4 Pro and a whole bunch of games for it for less than that price (Red Dead Redemption 2 here I come!) I'm happy with a Titan and a Cutlass (and an Aurora ofcourse..). Honestly, nothing beats the...
  5. Arcturos

    Ship prices in UEC

    Oh, don't get me wrong I agree about bigger ships. Anything above a Cutlass or a Lancer should not be cheap to get and the Lancer and Cutlass should require a relatively decent time investment. Anyway thanks for having a civil and constructive discussion with me. I was away from the game for a...
  6. Arcturos

    Ship prices in UEC

    Amen to that. If this game wants to have a large player base, and I am assuming it wants to since that's the only way they will stay afloat, it would have to concede here and there. Make it too hard and grindy and real and you risk being left with only the hardcore. And those won't be enough to...
  7. Arcturos

    Ship prices in UEC

    The price for the Hammerhead seems fair. I like the idea of big ships costing in the hundreds of millions as to encourage people and organizations banding together to buy one (assuming someone in the organization has not already bought the ship with real money..). But starters? No.. Just no. I...
  8. Arcturos

    Ship prices in UEC

    Oh, don't get me wrong I am on-board with having to go to a specific shop go get a certain ship. Seems rather ridiculous at this point though.. And more of a way to deny people the ability to buy every ship available in-game, as of now, and gently coerce them to, you know, spend a little moolah...
  9. Arcturos

    Ship prices in UEC

    Why make things cost as much as their real life equivalent? It's an awful way to price things in a game. If Forza Horizon gave you a medium wage per race and you needed 200 000$ for a decent car... Oh, boy! The joy it would be to play that game. I'm glad that we agree that starter ship prices...
  10. Arcturos

    Ship prices in UEC

    A little low? If anything the prices for the starters are nothing short of retarded. I can understand the Hammerhead costing that much, given that it's not a solo ship, but an Aurora costs 220 000 UEC? A Mustang - 100 000 UEC? Those are very, very basic ships. It's the equivalent of a basic...
  11. Arcturos

    [Better video] How is this P2W?

    Twinks are twinks. There was a point in the games life that when you enter a low level Battleground, especially in the lower level brackets, there was always this one character who was at the max level for the bracket and steamrolling everyone. Not because of knowledge or anything but because of...
  12. Arcturos

    [Better video] How is this P2W?

    I think removing the cap was a bad move. Sure, sell currency. But removing the starting limitations will facilitate the following - with the limit imposed people with big ships had to accrue wealth (or buy it) in a staggered manner. That prevented the day one Javelins and whatnot. Now - there...
  13. Arcturos

    Of all the cults I have been in, this is the best one!

    The Cult of Test. Where every member gets and Aurora Preaching Van, Glorious Leader poster to worship(along with a poster of Christ Roberts and his holy Legatus Pack, to which every member aspires) and the theme song is: View:
  14. Arcturos

    SidAlpha responds to Montoya

    I will echo what SidAlpha said - Roberts is a visionary. He has great ideas, I don't doubt that. But whether they can come to fruition is a different thing altogether. Can the current technology support that? And is it right to delay the game until such a time comes that something is possible...
  15. Arcturos

    SidAlpha responds to Montoya

    I'm just stating that ships are the incentive and as much as people are trying to say that they are just donating, because there are those that do, they are not. They are buying ships. I am however not arguing your point - yes, when buying something you should first do a bit of research before...
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