Recent content by AwesomeDude

  1. AwesomeDude

    Rainbow six anyone?

    Game is a lot of fun and i'm happy Ubisoft is continuing to add content for another year. Anyone else play? if so whats your favorite operator?
  2. AwesomeDude

    Piracy Pirate Division (Re)naming poll!

    How about "You Wouldn't Download a Car" Division or YWDLC
  3. AwesomeDude

    That was it: the Last Christmas of George Michael.

    You probably have heard this one
  4. AwesomeDude

    How am I supposed to catch Mromutt and Sunder?

    i'm more concerned about my almost 2/:1 like to message ratio, but of course you blow me out of the water with your 3:1 EDIT: oh shoot i've been remiss in my duties, HAPPY BERDTHDAY!!!!!!!!
  5. AwesomeDude

    The Testie Times [September Edition]

    Mine contributions
  6. AwesomeDude


    I was just making a suggestion if we do create a tournament in the future.
  7. AwesomeDude


    we could have people make their own teams, and those that dont have one to begin with could have some sort of draft, and then we can delegate reminding people and messaging them to get on to the individual team leaders.
  8. AwesomeDude


    oh sweet, I just got back from a long canoeing trip and forgot about the tournament. good to see team five managed to pull it off without me.
  9. AwesomeDude


    Don't worry you only missed one. The match with team 2 was having server problems so we put it off until next weekend.
  10. AwesomeDude


    should be able to. we have more matches next weekend.
  11. AwesomeDude

    Let's talk about the 300-series' pending rework.

    The 325a already has somethign special, It's better at putting missiles on multiple targets. I just hope they give it more missiles.
  12. AwesomeDude


    For the Spreadsheet: In the Team 5 vs Team 4 match Snakey flew a SuperHornet, Gearen flew a Vanguard, I flew my Sabre, And I think (but am not 100%) that Thunder Kraken was using a SuperHornet
  13. AwesomeDude


    ADKL organized it but it wont be a while until it's over. last few matches are scheduled for the 17th and 18th
  14. AwesomeDude


    Team 1 vs Team 5 (plus Thunder Kraken as a standin) Result: Team 5 victory
  15. AwesomeDude


    TEAM 5 V TEAM 7 Victor: TEAM 5
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