Recent content by Blind Owl

  1. Blind Owl

    WTB C1 Spirit "Olympia" Paint

    Wolfy - I got you boo. It's in a three pack, but I got you.
  2. Blind Owl

    WTB Reclaimer CCU

    My TESTies, Does anyone have a spare Reclaimer CCU hanging around? Preferably a Warbond one from IAE, but a normal one is fine. Not too concerned about what ship it's from. Cheers, Owl
  3. Blind Owl

    WTB Carrack Expedition /C8X Expedition upgrade

    I believe I have what you need. I'm heading to bed, but feel free DM me, and I'll get to ya tomorrow.
  4. Blind Owl

    Slice of Stanton: a Star Citizen Poster

    My dude, you never fail to impress! Thank you for your continued contributions to this kick-ass community.
  5. Blind Owl

    Skeleton Crew

    Watched it last night with my family. It was very much fun. Gotta say they nailed the pirate droid, lol.
  6. Blind Owl

    Please don't make 4.0 live.....Please?

    Lol, this. And this. Are we still talking about SC? Lol
  7. Blind Owl

    Luke is alive!

    The Star Wars we remember will never be achieved again. Now hear me out - it has nothing to do with quality, and everything to do with nostalgia. We revere the old Star Wars for the feeling it elicited when we watched it for the first time; some of us in theaters. The new SW could be the best in...
  8. Blind Owl

    Mirai Guardian theory crafting

    That *is* the Guardian, is it not?
  9. Blind Owl

    Anvil Paladin Q&A

    I have CCUs ready to roll for a TAC. Depends on the interior if I get her or not
  10. Blind Owl

    Mirai Guardian theory crafting

    The Emperor protects.
  11. Blind Owl

    Mirai Guardian theory crafting

    But what if we're screaming "FOR THE EMPEROR!" as well conduct said high velocity boarding?
  12. Blind Owl

    Post IAE Fleet Pics

    Upgrades complete. For now. MSR > Ironclad Assault Intrepid > Paladin Defender > SL MAX I also got CCUs for a couple Furies and an Ursa Medivac. Will apply once I clear up some store credit.
  13. Blind Owl

    Skeleton Crew

    I can't wait to start watching this with the little fella. Looks really damn good!
  14. Blind Owl

    IAE 2954 WB CCU Watch

    Some nice sub-100 CCUs today!
  15. Blind Owl

    Anvil Paladin Q&A

    You Sir, are asking the hard questions! Hats off to you. Lol
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