Recent content by CitizenDad

  1. CitizenDad

    Star Citizen Live SPECIAL EDITION: A More Stable Universe - TEXT SUMMARY

    I don't know man, hype these days is just too insane. Once a few streamers, Superman/Witcher/40K Guy, and tons of famous gamers devote their lives to SQ42 because it's so epic the hype train will leave the station at full speed and there will be no looking back. Especially, if the PU is as fun...
  2. CitizenDad

    Star Citizen Live SPECIAL EDITION: A More Stable Universe - TEXT SUMMARY

    I don't know man, hype these days is just too insane. Once a few streamers, Superman/Witcher/40K Guy, and tons of famous gamers devote their lives to SQ42 because it's so epic the hype train will leave the station at full speed and there will be no looking back. Especially, if the PU is as fun...
  3. CitizenDad

    Vanduul Blade getting a buff

    I really wasn't going to get it but since I plan on being a big member of Operation Pitchfork and vanquishing Vanduul scum by the brood I figured it's best I truly get a feel for my enemy. Sun Tzu and all..
  4. CitizenDad

    Vanduul Blade getting a buff

    Just did this, another "accidental" order my clickin buy now fingers move faster than my brain so there is no stopping it sometimes. But now I need one for Gunar lol. No way to get them in game yet? This things are really rad. They are also very RED. I guess in Pyro everything is "red" anyway...
  5. CitizenDad

    Star Citizen Live SPECIAL EDITION: A More Stable Universe - TEXT SUMMARY

    oh im sure they have screwed and unscrewed SQ42 up several times by now but we can all rest assured it will be "THE BEST DAMN SPACE SIM EVERRRRR" so I will sleep well :)
  6. CitizenDad

    Star Citizen Live SPECIAL EDITION: A More Stable Universe - TEXT SUMMARY

    i mean they for sure have YEARS of capital to burn though but they certainly don't want to be spending more than they are making so I think that is what is happening now? And they are concerned with our wallets not remaining open for them. so the pressure is on for sure.
  7. CitizenDad

    Star Citizen Live SPECIAL EDITION: A More Stable Universe - TEXT SUMMARY

    TL;DR we will have an actual, playable, legit game... Soon™ it game... Seriously tho, they really nailed a ton of details and drilled down on a few technical details I was curious about. That being said I never doubted the beliefs and intentions of the middle management, the minions, the...
  8. CitizenDad

    SatEMike Review - Review?

    Who is this guy? Never heard of this "Sodium Mikey". And who deemed him worthy of being able to even associate his unblessed self with our Glorious Leaders teachings? These Words of Wisdom are scripture and holy.
  9. CitizenDad

    State of the Squadron 56

    GLORIOUS :o7:
  10. CitizenDad


    welcome to TEST we are not the BEST but we drink more than the REST o7
  11. CitizenDad

    Intro Post

    o7 and welcome to the party :drunk:
  12. CitizenDad

    Industry Who want to focus on base building?

    We should both probably have another few kids for mat farming, transporting of mats. CitizenMom is NOT going to be happy but she knows "It's for the Org!" by now so she won't put up much of a fight hehe :)
  13. CitizenDad

    Industry Who want to focus on base building?

    this is all @citizengunnar talks about lol
  14. CitizenDad

    Citizencon 2024 Donation Drive!

    we need to fix the donation entry box tho, you can not put 69.69 or .69 cents thats unacceptable for this squadron of testies
  15. CitizenDad

    Citizencon 2024 Donation Drive!

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