Recent content by Devil Dog Hog

  1. Devil Dog Hog

    Merry Christmas 2024!

    Fatter?! Try drunker, more intexicator, inebriatored, wasteator, something something-er. Yea, thats how my christmas with the inlaws went. BEST YEAR EVER! WOOOO, Wheres the sun, I got an Auroa to fly, weeeewhooooo! . . . . I swear this seat in the cockpit is shrinking every year . . .
  2. Devil Dog Hog

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    By the sheer fact that it was requested to be ignored, like any good friend, we shine a huge spotlight on it and poke at it with sticks asking "does it hurt here, how about here, how about now, and now?"
  3. Devil Dog Hog

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    The real question is did you look at the instructions backwards and upside down and only then did they make sense to you. If so, AND you stayed at a motel 6 last night, then I would agree that your above the threshold for engineers (at least the ones I have to deal with).
  4. Devil Dog Hog

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    I am offended that this thread has not been updated with a new post since November 23rd. I demand to speak to your manager and file a complaint about this immediately or I wont leave the area unless you arrest me and allow me to make a huge scene in front of all these people with cell phone...
  5. Devil Dog Hog

    So ORG space stations announced

    Every port I ever sailed into seemed like it had an Irish Bar somewhere. It became a game to try and find one everywhere we went. Maybe we could call the station the "Hairy Lemon" after the Dublin spot. OR we could go the opposite direction and name it Inigo in honor of Montoya looking for the...
  6. Devil Dog Hog

    So ORG space stations announced

    Our first Bengal should be named the Party Wagon
  7. Devil Dog Hog

    Other T.S.A.R medical

    Did anyone else see the Terrapin as a medical variant in the day 2 live broadcast? View: at time stamp 2:40:38
  8. Devil Dog Hog


    ive seen bigger.
  9. Devil Dog Hog

    Testing Please Ignore

    In the full spirit of this thread, I will continue to ignore all of your posts but simply comment to myself that the 286 is the best damn PC a teenager in the 90's could ever ask for (god i miss the sound of dial up) and that x-wing and freelancer were by far the best space sim games ever made...
  10. Devil Dog Hog

    So ORG space stations announced

    Would you pick Nyx or Pyro for its location?
  11. Devil Dog Hog

    So ORG space stations announced

    Obviously this will be built, and probably will be done in a matter of weeks (it might feel like days depending on how blitzed we are) so a name is the most important thing we could do. I move that we submit a roster of names and then vote on them like a democratized org and then have that...
  12. Devil Dog Hog

    So ORG space stations announced

    That Crows Nest is going to be the first bar . . . so yeah its definitly a counsel room now that I think of it.
  13. Devil Dog Hog

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    I think we might be low balling at 2000 pages, might have to bump it up a bit.
  14. Devil Dog Hog

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    HAPPY 4th OF JULY MY AMERICAN BRETHREN! I would like to start this day off with a bang by brining our favorite necrotic thread back to the top and get this ball rolling again. 2000 pages or bust!
  15. Devil Dog Hog

    Anyone catch this on ISC?

    What I want to know is what the hell is this blured out mode?
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