Recent content by Mudhawk

  1. Mudhawk

    Stella Fortuna Is Up

    So I scrapped together a couple of store credits and got the pack with the Phoenix Emerald. To my surprise it comes with a Revel&York Hangar. All my other rides, including the Ironclad and the Merchantman, come only with a Selfland hangar. So what's different? Do I get a glass of Champaign...
  2. Mudhawk

    4.1 is Looking Very Cool

    Nice find. Does look kinda exciting. Though many things in SC sound like that at first. The real test is once they release to Public. Still, it#s something to look forward to. :like:
  3. Mudhawk

    Item Recovery

    Well at least I will wake up after another Test-Ride ending in a spectacular fashion in my favorite yellow and black pyjamas. No more blue tablecloth covering my privates. THAT is something to look forward to, right? Also, i just tried to imagine the reactions of players in one of the popular...
  4. Mudhawk

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    With matching guns! Do not forget them mighty matching Boomsticks... :thump:
  5. Mudhawk

    Fast way to finish the Pyro resupply missions.

    Sounds like a plan. If I wasn't stuck on orbituary without a working hangar I'd give it a try in my trusty new MISC Fortune. Oh well, by the time I get to fly again that event will most likely be done. Still, congrats. Always had the feeling that salvaging was the way to go for this thing. :like:
  6. Mudhawk

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    My pOInt ish... *Snorts, looks up, looks back into the tumbler containing an unexpectedly large amount of air with a slightly irritable expression* POOInnt ish that the Scottish plagihated the ... Eiriish Whiskeeey's Granma... and called her Whiskiiiiiiy... 'Cause they whiiished they had...
  7. Mudhawk

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    Wasn't that the Moonshine later plagiated as Whisky? It's kinda what the Irish did before they learned how to run a proper Distillery. Or maybe it's what the Irish do after drinking too much to properly run a Distillery? Nevermind. Gimme that keg...
  8. Mudhawk

    Item Recovery

    So on the upside, you gotta buy that Pembroke backpack only once and never have to worry about getting a new one never again. On the downside, if I come across a nicely equipped player body (whose demise happened way prior to my arrival, honest) I can loot Jack? Kinda makes me wonder why they...
  9. Mudhawk

    New Patch, new crippling bugs

    Naaa, already did that and it was no use. That's an old trick and I always try that if "Alt+F4" and "Format c:\ /f" fail. Hmmm... maybe I had to many shots of my favorite alcohol? Inconceivable!
  10. Mudhawk

    New Patch, new crippling bugs

    Aaaaand I'm stuck. On Orbituary station to be precise. That's my home since this patch. (So much for Server Maintenance) Can't spawn ships. Probably because I can't access the hangar at all. It shows up in the elevator but I can't go there. Nice guy that I am I hit Spectrum and added my 5 cent...
  11. Mudhawk

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    It is. Got it as a Chrismas present by my Dad. My Sisters though locked it up like this. Fun fact, after a shot or two opening that lock became surprisingly easy. So as a security feature this thing fails. Does a great job though from keeping my girlfriend's hands off the good stuff...
  12. Mudhawk


    Well, I did travel from southern Germany across Belgium and over to Dover. I drove along the southern coast , through Cornwall and Wales and then took the Ferry to the Emerald Island. Again along the southern roads, towards Kerry and from there towards the Cliffs of Moher. (On route one diabolic...
  13. Mudhawk

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    Dunno guys. Posting in this thread. It kinda feels like spraypainting a tag on a wall in Pompeji. This is some ancient shit that should be left alone. The only ancient shit that should not be left alone is my 16years old Lagavulin. So cheers laddies!
  14. Mudhawk

    Shit new applicants are saying

    THAT... actually does fit the tone quite nicely. Almost a bit too smooth... Makes me wonder if he's a used ship salesman. Then again, I always do need cheap replacement ships . Sooo... welcome? :o7:
  15. Mudhawk

    AMD tags Star Citizen

    No. I don't. And I do not remember the guys in suits and sunglasses with that briefcase full of money either. I do remember though buying a number of controversial AMD products for the company I was working for at that time.
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