Recent content by Solace

  1. Solace

    The "I got my Citizencon 2018 ticket" thread!

    Damn Premium was out, I got the normal!
  2. Solace

    CitizenCon 2018 Austin Texas

    Oh man there are some great ranges in Texas, but a bit away from Austin, some that would take alot of people and are pretty chill the last time I was there. I am IN!
  3. Solace

    Exploration Exploration Guide (What we know so far)

    This is going to be an epic fleet for salty explorers
  4. Solace

    Way too early theorycraft

    In on this effort, all my eggs to get our first Bengal :)
  5. Solace

    I was going to jokingly ask if somebody stole this vodka...

    Wow that had better be some good Vodka
  6. Solace

    Theorycrafting the Carrack

    I just want to walk around it!
  7. Solace

    Replacing Retaliator

    Thanks for the insights guys. For clarification, I am not lost in the dark looking for a guide to play the game I want to play. I would not have mentioned the industry ships if I didn't have some interest in those areas. More looking for thoughts on early game money making and diversity of...
  8. Solace

    Replacing Retaliator

    Hey all, I am thinking that between my Vanguard and Polaris that I have my bases covered and the Retaliator will just not get played. Thinking of changing it out to fill an industry gap, already have a Banu and Starfarer. What do you guys think about the necessity to keep the Retaliator, and...
  9. Solace

    Greetings Besties!

    Greetings and Salutations. I currently reside in Seattle, anyone else local let me know! Came over to SC at the kickstarter, sounded like all the things I wanted fixed about Eve online. Been a rough ride since! Looking forward to all manner of mayhem and tomfoolery, I do like me a trade...
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