Recent content by Speedkills

  1. Speedkills

    The Ballista makes me more excited for the Tonk!

    The only thing that concerns me is the cost to maintain the amount of missiles I would be firing. I currently have a Cyclone AA, so I'm not without a means to hurt something ground to air... but the Ballista would hurt that much more. How long is the sale going to be running for? Maybe I'll...
  2. Speedkills

    DnD interest?

    Maybe I’m under the wrong impression but I thought a group was forming, not a group of us looking to get into a game in progress. Is it because we need a DM?
  3. Speedkills

    DnD interest?

    I currently play one campaign on Roll20 with long distance friends, and a local game at an actual table lol. I'd be interested in this with TEST if schedules line up.
  4. Speedkills


    That’s not all we’re packing, if you know what I mean lol. There are at least a dozen threads if you search for the subject “signature” with links to imgur ones like I use or places to generate your own.
  5. Speedkills

    Testies that smoke

    I believe there is also a cream that can be applied to reduce inflammation.
  6. Speedkills

    HA! CIG thinks they can tempt us with a black and yellow themed Freelancer!

    I think the MIS always had TEST colors, if I'm not mistaken. Didn't CR say he did that out of respect for the org? Here's the picture to corroborate the story.
  7. Speedkills

    HA! CIG thinks they can tempt us with a black and yellow themed Freelancer!

    In a moment (3 actually) of weakness I bought it... three times. I'm ashamed.
  8. Speedkills

    This may have just ruined Mario Kart for me...

    A nice collection...
  9. Speedkills

    Captain Marvel official trailer!

    That was because the old lady's name was Martha too.
  10. Speedkills

    Captain Marvel official trailer!

    You know based on the picture alone they will CGI the F out of her ass and maybe superimpose Tom Holland's ass onto Brie Larson lol.
  11. Speedkills

    Solo: A Star Wars Story

    After TLJ I went in with no expectations for Solo, and I was pleasantly surprised by it. It gave me enough like you said to see where Han came from and did so with enough to stand on it's own alone. I think it's best to not watch too many trailers or read about a movie so you can formulate...
  12. Speedkills

    Hurricane LiveCam

    Down to a cat 1. The storm fears our Glorious Leader!
  13. Speedkills

    Hurricane Florence and the US East Coast

    Once you see it, you can't unsee it... but it looks like someone is getting fucked soon. View:
  14. Speedkills

    It finally happened! One of the random cables in my junk drawer was used!

    That's insane! You were eating pizza in NC? And you lived to tell the tale! Are you sure it wasn't delivered from a legitimate pizza state?
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