Recent content by Stoutman

  1. Stoutman

    Have you Co-ordinated with RSI about color scheme

    I remember when the pirate skin worked on an Aurora. I had it on mine for a while in the old hangar. And I have always wondered what the Shut Up and Take My Money skin looks like. Maybe it makes your ship look like a giant UEC flying through space.
  2. Stoutman

    Current Component Stats are Placeholders for 4.0

    Just wait until the science ships are able to start tweaking components. Then everyone will be paying top dollar for the few components that end up with super high stats. I remember this type of item rarity in SWG when Smugglers could 'slice' weapons. Good times.
  3. Stoutman

    SC ships for sale

    I have always wondered how so many people can have so little common sense. Especially when playing an imperfect game in alpha....
  4. Stoutman


    There are usually some posts here in the marketplace where you should be able to find some LTI packages available for sale from other members. Way more options this way than what is currently for sale or in your buybakcs.
  5. Stoutman

    WTB UEE Environment Coat

    Kinda pricey to buy a coat in a pack now. Glad I picked one up here on the forums a few years ago!
  6. Stoutman

    CIG / Crytek

    With any luck the judge will be an old Dungeon & Dragons player and he will secretly be rolling saving thrown with his 20 sided die. Who will win? Let the dice decide! Muahahaha
  7. Stoutman

    TESTies, I no longer need this thread. Whatever shall we do?

    OK, no one post here anymore. Problem solved.
  8. Stoutman

    I'm New!

    Welcome to TEST!! :)
  9. Stoutman

    Hi Test Squadron!

    Welcome to TEST!! :)
  10. Stoutman

    Industry Ore selling price spreadsheet 3.2.0

    That link works right now. I have seen that spreadsheet before and am still using it as a guideline.
  11. Stoutman

    Other TEST Weapons Research Lab - FOR SCIENCE!

    I'm looking forward to buying a dozen identical components and having them all improved by the collider workings. Then I can keep the one or two best for myself and sell the rest off to break even or maybe make a profit. I used to do this back in the Star Wars Galaxy days and it works great!
  12. Stoutman

    It has been done...

    Running your own org can be a pain in the neck. I have done it in the past and had my fill from all the drama some players thrive on. Welcome :)
  13. Stoutman

    After well over 5 years, my ISP finally found the source of the signal interference!!

    I've had Cox service before in a couple places. They are moronic assholes who don't fix crap unless you bitch like crazy. You should be able to get a partial refund from them due to the lower than paid for service for the last 5 years. They should of caught that pretty fast. I would ask for a...
  14. Stoutman

    CIG / Crytek

    CIG Frankfurt came about because the guy who runs Crytek doesn't know what he is doing and cant manage money. He lost a bunch of his core engine programmers when he could not make payroll. Most of the guys that left ended up with CIG and opened that office. Star Citizen has benefited ever since...
  15. Stoutman

    Forbes hit piece on Star Citizen - Video response (warning! long!)

    The guy who wrote that is not a journalist. But that is probably what he was taught in college these days. Write it up for how you want to influence people, not for what the facts are.
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