Just wanted to preempt the Jumpgates - Rings debate currently in Spectrum


Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
I'm personally fine with he rings on the hud to help players with sinking with the wormhole, but I hope that the process is more instantaneous than it appears. This might help with game flow. I imagine that there's a good reason for it (i.e., loading times, etc) but wish you could just fly up to it and instantaneously enter the jump point with anyone within your party who's in the immediate area and also lined up with the jump point using the HUD rings.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I'll be honest, I want less HUD/UI clutter. The UI as it is is already a cluttered mess. I'll prefer to all that to be kept at a minimum. I'll much rather look at the often stunning space visuals of the game than stare at tiny boxes, lines, and rings.
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
The infrastructure and process of it all is going to be an intended attention/time sink to add a REASON to go looking for those shortcuts. Jumping from system to system is meant to be a bit of a commitment of time and effort. You will be scanned/taxed/boarded/ect if you go through the normal way (Think border crossing) Slow but safe. The alternative would be the transient wormholes that will offer no official resistance, but will be likely narrower and harder to navigate. I think it is a pretty good system for balancing out risk vs reward. As for the UI....It will change with time


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Having to sit there with your mates all twiddling your thumbs and wait for the jump does seem a bit moronic but I guess tier 0 huh hopefully they'll improve it to a seamless and non immersion breaking just fly up pow


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm simply looking forward to this being another 1st step in the overall progress of SC becoming more flushed out. 1st steps are often as clumsy & awkward as they are important overall long term. So I'm going in with little expectations for this, knowing that eventually it might lead to something awesome.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Debate? Is this about whether points should have gate ring infrastructure built around them or not?

I'd have thought undiscovered/secret/unimportant points would have no gates as they are natural and exist without gates, but high-sec points like in Stanton would have them so you could block entry to invaders.

"Xeno Threat Idris and attack force on approach to Stanton! We need Citizen Defenc-"
*flips switch, gate closes etc*
*muffled explosions*
"Oh... Nevermind."

It would not be impossible for gates to be countered with something like an exploratory force as the jump point itself would always be active, just blocked by the gate which could be disabled, but it'd make a 40 Javelin Org rampage through safe space much harder.
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Vice Admiral
Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Well, with all the psychedelic fireworks to be expected in the final itteration of the wormholes I guess a little navigational help like those HUD loops are in order.
That is as long as you can actually see the HUD at all. In some lighting conditions and in some rides...
Anyone got alien ships?
Or a Nomad?
All together now!
Blinded by the light
Revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night
By the way, anyone else irked that they dropped the size restrictions for wormholes?
I know, i know, on a cosmic scale even an Idis is naught but a spec of dust.
But personally I liked the idea of slipping into places through a backdoor the big guys simply can't use.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, with all the psychedelic fireworks to be expected in the final itteration of the wormholes I guess a little navigational help like those HUD loops are in order.
That is as long as you can actually see the HUD at all. In some lighting conditions and in some rides...
Anyone got alien ships?
Or a Nomad?
All together now!
Blinded by the light
Revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night
By the way, anyone else irked that they dropped the size restrictions for wormholes?
I know, i know, on a cosmic scale even an Idis is naught but a spec of dust.
But personally I liked the idea of slipping into places through a backdoor the big guys simply can't use.
IIRC, they said that these static jump points have had their restrictions removed, but the non regulated points will have various size differences that would increase the difficulty for larger ships?
  • o7
Reactions: Mudhawk


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm calling it now, my Crystal Ball says Origin "Jumpworks" will have a proprietary jump point generator of their own which will not need a point to go system to system, but will need and existing jump point to exit from.... It just makes sense considering their works name.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm calling it now, my Crystal Ball says Origin "Jumpworks" will have a proprietary jump point generator of their own which will not need a point to go system to system, but will need and existing jump point to exit from.... It just makes sense considering their works name.
Perhaps a scout craft that contains an end point generator portal for the main ship or fleet to travel to from the ORIGINal point of jumping?
  • Glorious
Reactions: NaffNaffBobFace


Grand Admiral
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
As long as jump point generation is a feature of ships with an existing role, and they are rare and expensive to make, that would be great.

I remember lots of discussion, including in the latest ISC, of plans to have naturally-occurring jump points that players could discover, which would be temporary and would go to an unknown destination. I hope that does make it into the game eventually.

Maybe I've forgotten some design goal discussed for this long ago, and there are already plans for player-created jump points. But since I can't remember if this is planned, here's what I think that could be. There should be slots for jump point generators in existing ships in an existing role, like exploration ships. It would suck if lots of ships could create them - they should be a bit niche and special. However, I don't want a completely new ship role to be invented for generating jump points, we have more than enough roles already. Creating a jump point needs to be a fairly major and uncommon event, and it should consume an expensive resource. It should take hours or tens of hours of player time to gather (or earn credits to buy) the consumable resource to do it once. Different sized jump point generators could create jump points of different sizes, each requiring an exponentially higher amount of the rare resource than the next smaller size, they should not last very long at all, and perhaps there should be a maximum number, or maximum total mass of ships that can pass through one, as well as a maximum size. Creating and using one should be memorable event.

But obviously that's just me.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
As long as jump point generation is a feature of ships with an existing role, and they are rare and expensive to make, that would be great.

I remember lots of discussion, including in the latest ISC, of plans to have naturally-occurring jump points that players could discover, which would be temporary and would go to an unknown destination. I hope that does make it into the game eventually.

Maybe I've forgotten some design goal discussed for this long ago, and there are already plans for player-created jump points. But since I can't remember if this is planned, here's what I think that could be. There should be slots for jump point generators in existing ships in an existing role, like exploration ships. It would suck if lots of ships could create them - they should be a bit niche and special. However, I don't want a completely new ship role to be invented for generating jump points, we have more than enough roles already. Creating a jump point needs to be a fairly major and uncommon event, and it should consume an expensive resource. It should take hours or tens of hours of player time to gather (or earn credits to buy) the consumable resource to do it once. Different sized jump point generators could create jump points of different sizes, each requiring an exponentially higher amount of the rare resource than the next smaller size, they should not last very long at all, and perhaps there should be a maximum number, or maximum total mass of ships that can pass through one, as well as a maximum size. Creating and using one should be memorable event.

But obviously that's just me.
Player discovered jump points are definitely something that needs to be in the game….eventually. That’s one of the Carrack’s main selling points isn’t it? That you can discover jump points then exploit/sell said points.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
It's fun to watch the dumpster fire that spectrum can be from time to time.

The insta gratification crowed seems to miss that time sinks are a necessary part of game loops as they bring value to the reward. Ie your time invested pays off with your skill level having a nudging factor. The only reason some of the time sinks get rightfully blasted is because of lack of skill modifiers and things to do while waiting.

As said previously they need the persistent gates to work the way they are so that hull traders rewards can be created. It also gives value to finding new temporary worm holes allowing both short cuts and pirates to move around.

But like many things in SC the game mechanics are not fully flushed out to bring the fun factor into effect and so we just see the unmasked time sinks as they are.
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