Old Fart FNG reporting for duty o7


Dec 10, 2024
RSI Handle
Greetings Test, thanks for having me here. 53 yr old veteran here and have been gaming since the Atari days. I'm here for the salvage/trade grind and have a good sized combat fleet to protect it. So joined the Best squadron to help crew up my larger ships with good friends. Down for any type of gameplay on the lawful side of things, but I don't mind getting my hands dirty since we're just in Alpha. I also fly with Rogue Squadron on the side but this will be my main Org for big ops. Thanks again and I hope to see you all in the Verse.:o7:
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Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Greetings Test, thanks for having me here. 53 yr old vet and been gaming since the Atari days. I'm here for the salvage/trade grind and have a good sized combat fleet to protect it. So joined the Best squadron to help crew up my larger ships with good friends. Down for any type of gameplay on the lawful side of things, but I don't mind getting my hands dirty since we're just in Alpha. I also fly with Rogue Squadron on the side but this will be my main Org for big ops. Thanks again and I hope to see you all in the Verse.:o7:
Always glad to have another animal lover on board!


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Welcome glad to have you I hope you wear your Atari t shirt when you play with us.

Ex 65XE and ST user here when I were a nipper my dad liked buying atari's so I was in heaven.


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
Greetings Test, thanks for having me here. 53 yr old veteran here and have been gaming since the Atari days. I'm here for the salvage/trade grind and have a good sized combat fleet to protect it. So joined the Best squadron to help crew up my larger ships with good friends. Down for any type of gameplay on the lawful side of things, but I don't mind getting my hands dirty since we're just in Alpha. I also fly with Rogue Squadron on the side but this will be my main Org for big ops. Thanks again and I hope to see you all in the Verse.:o7:
Welcome fellow veteran! Bus Driver here (or do they still use that term? Dunno, I am about 10 years older than you, so you know, things change.)
Glad to have ye aboard, pull up a beer and have a seat! :o7:


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Welcome to the squardon Pash_Kraken!
Or shall I call you Darn Rich Kid?
An Atari?
Back then we would have k****d for an Atari!
We had to huddle around an old TI994A in front of a tiny B/W TV.
With a repurposed tapedrive for a data solution.
Now that I think about it we did spend a lot of time playing outside because of that.
These days I hardly see the sun.
The original, non-digital one is what I'm getting at.
Oh well, as you can see you are hardly the only old fart in these hallowed halls.
So, come in and make yourself comfortable! :o7:

I see.. Not the neutering kind of vet, but the neutering kind of vet
Second language...
must... use... dictionary...
Okay, cut of dangling parts (knew that one),
... disempower... (makes sense)
ohh... comes from neutral , neither one nor the other. (That one was new)
Great. Now I am a little bit mor knowledgeable.
And twice as confused.
But that's okay.
It's all Alpha anyhow...:glorious:


Dec 10, 2024
RSI Handle
Welcome to the squardon Pash_Kraken!
Or shall I call you Darn Rich Kid?
An Atari?
Back then we would have k****d for an Atari!
We had to huddle around an old TI994A in front of a tiny B/W TV.
With a repurposed tapedrive for a data solution.
Now that I think about it we did spend a lot of time playing outside because of that.
These days I hardly see the sun.
The original, non-digital one is what I'm getting at.
Oh well, as you can see you are hardly the only old fart in these hallowed halls.
So, come in and make yourself comfortable! :o7:

Second language...
must... use... dictionary...
Okay, cut of dangling parts (knew that one),
... disempower... (makes sense)
ohh... comes from neutral , neither one nor the other. (That one was new)
Great. Now I am a little bit mor knowledgeable.
And twice as confused.
But that's okay.
It's all Alpha anyhow...:glorious:

Oh yeah man, the good ol Atari 2600. I still have the same one I played as a kid, plus over 150 games. I bust it out at parties and it's always a hit. Yar's Revenge was my jam


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Yar's Revenge was my jam
Pretty fly,
for an old guy...
But I gotta admit, these days I get eye cancer instead ofnostalgia playing those games.
And trust me, I tried.
Then again... after a couple of shots it probably looks different... :-P
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