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  1. Esctasy

    3.12 is Live

    It's still crashing lol. I got to number 1, and the game just shuts down :( Relaunch and back to 101 now.
  2. Esctasy

    3.12 is Live

    Yeah, it's been about 15mins and I'm still number 9 in Queue. Started at 68. Edit: If anyone forgotten to pick-up their talons a few weeks ago, the warbond CCU is also available.
  3. Esctasy

    3.12 is Live

    It's late, but live now. Enjoy! Talons jumped to $115.00
  4. Esctasy

    Worst timing on a decision I have seen from CIG so far

    I'm really curious to know what the true reason for them implementing this actually is. Surely there are other things they can do with their time. I hope it isn't their marketing team that came up with this, because that would be bad for SC going forward (letting marketing decide game function).
  5. Esctasy

    Worst timing on a decision I have seen from CIG so far

    Yup agree. Most reclaims are due to bugs, not to simply get their ship refueled and repair for free. I self destruct on a regular basis when I want to go back to port, saves me time :p And I can't see this stopping me from continuing to do so.
  6. Esctasy

    INS Jericho 3.12 Easter Egg

  7. Esctasy

    Wave 1 PTU is out

    In 3.12 you can't target torps yet (NPC can but not players). And the missile incoming warning doesn't seem to work (at least not all the time). I'm not sure why they increase the damage so much. Any large ship not moving fast can be taken out at range with an Eclipse or Tali. This is going to...
  8. Esctasy

    Wave 1 PTU is out

    Yeah they are slow as hell. Your target has to be large ships, and you have to Kamikaze into it launching your torps at the last second.
  9. Esctasy

    Wave 1 PTU is out

    Fak I landed in Jail. Can't play for another 6 hours
  10. Esctasy

    Wave 1 PTU is out

    I just finished his quest line. 6 total bounties was what I got. Last mission paid 12k UEC. I assume once 3.12 comes out then there would be a 7th mission and that's the Idris? Edit: There is actually a 7th mission I just completed. It's a hammerhead. The mission didn't pop up for me until a...
  11. Esctasy

    Wave 1 PTU is out

    They really jacked up missile damage in 3.12. More than 500% for the S9s!
  12. Esctasy

    Wave 1 PTU is out

    I quit the PTU, it's laggy and buggy for me. Going to wait until it goes live.
  13. Esctasy

    Wave 1 PTU is out

    They made non gimble combat much harder this patch. Going to test gimbal shortly. Trying to spawn the pirate Idris, have to get rep first to talk to Miles (so I think anyways).
  14. Esctasy

    The Lost Ship Dilemma!

    Sometimes you can't claim those ships even at another station. But you just have to wait 24 hours and another one will appear on your list that is claimable.
  15. Esctasy

    Eye tracker for SC

    Not too sure, I think it's all the same. In 3.12 you can use it to look around while in your cockpit. This is a really good advantage in combat, not to mention the immersion. It's why I was sold watching that video.
  16. Esctasy

    Operation: Borrow an Idris

    oh crap! Can we still blow it up though?
  17. Esctasy

    1 Million aUEC

    NOOOO. I spent a week grinding 4M uec to use when 3.12 is live! If they get wiped I'm going to commit suicide.
  18. Esctasy

    Eye tracker for SC

    So I just saw this on the pledge store. Decided to pick it up and give it a try. Looks really cool, anyone used this? How well does it work?
  19. Esctasy

    Cyberpunk 2077 (is here!)

    I played it for 5 mins yesterday. Decided that I would wait until I'm bored with 3.12 before continuing. This will also give them time to patch up the bugs.
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