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  1. B

    All Cargo AMA Q&A

    As much as I hate PvP, I may go into commodity trading after confirming what each of the NQA terminals buy... If I can find something that only Mic L5 buys (or, better yet, none of them buy), I'll be a lot less concerned about "pirates", as they won't gain anything from attacking me. I may even...
  2. B

    I give up.

    Having been forced to use their software and deal with their inability to include functionality to allow merging of accounts (user's email address changes due to new domain or name change and a new account is required\generated) despite people asking for it for 7+ years (It's too hard, they...
  3. B

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    That was one of the main reasons I subscribed - I was planning to use the coupon for the entrepreneur pack (I wish I hadn't missed that one), but instead used it for a warbond "Roughneck pack" when the Expanse was "releaseed"... With WB and the $100 (max saving on 20% coupon) discount the $595...
  4. B

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    It's not the flair that's being released every 2 months, it's the "Jump Point" PDF that Subscribers receive with background information\images of concept art for recent releases\alternative designs these ships could have had. I can't see the flair being dropped to every 2 months, as that would...
  5. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    Thanks for that. I may have to check out that discord at some stage, although I rarely tend to use the application...
  6. B

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    Sadly, yes: There wasn't one last month - We went from August to October, with no hint of the Plushies for last month having been supplied either there or in emails. There doesn't seem to have been much impact in the content, either: August was 19 pages, October 18.
  7. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    I haven't seen an Avenger one: The 100i and Nomad ones were in the video I linked, after the BIS ones, and I had thought at that time that they were IAE rather than Luminalia.
  8. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    A minor correction: having looked at my hangar, it looks like those skins may not be for IAE (and so the discount starter ship packs may not contain either of those ships), but instead for Lunialia: The White\Blue colours seem to match the "IceBreak" paints and the red\"yellow-grey" match the...
  9. B

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    I was thinking something along those lines myself when I saw it (a set of "antique" event or promotional posters) or some form of antique items related to the event (possibly even just one item in various "conditions" like the artifacts and medals that can be found at the abandoned outposts). If...
  10. B

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    They've already done a cot (I guess it's use is to allow you to be able to sleep in a persistant hangar once they arrive), a workbench, and a number of other hangar decorations in the past, so it's unlikely they'd repeat these. I believe the cot and workbench may have been available to purchase...
  11. B

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    There is a picture, though I'm not sure how informative you'll find it...
  12. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    I'll see your BIS Pisces skin and raise you an MSR, a Scorpius, and a Carrack :) It also looks likely the discount WB starter packs will probably be for the 100i and the Nomad, possibly with either a white and blue skin or a red with a yellowy-gray colour: I'm thinking that the former is a...
  13. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    Thank you for confirming that for myself and anyone else who was curious.
  14. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    I'm rather experienced with the 24 hour lock between purchasing an item and being able to melt it, but thanks for mentioning it for those who may not have been aware of it... As the sales start at 3AM here, getting in on the first round of "limited" ships may not be possible for me even with the...
  15. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    Ouch... Looks like it's time to put serious effort into planning day-by-day credit purchases for the event so that I have what I need in buy-back\hangar at the end, instead of relying on the last few days to make credit purchases as I had intended: Maybe I should buy a couple of STV's now and...
  16. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    Thanks. It's good to know I may have a shot at that one at least (I'd much prefer to have the Pioneer if I could only acquire one of the 2, though) - I'm not a fan of the Constellations (and prefer LTI over 10 years), but for some reason I've been thinking it would make a good luxury explorer...
  17. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    I only need to grab a Scorpius and an MSR (My Carrack cannot be melted, so there's no risk of missing the Carrack or Pisces skins... More Pisces would be nice, however), so was planning on picking them up on the respective event days - The 2 "F5" ships I would love to pick up with credits were...
  18. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    If you look closely at the, for want of a better word, "engines" mounted just behind the main, VTOL engines, the near-side one appears to be flush against\mounted partially inside the hull, with the hull having widened at that point. On the far side, however, the equivalent "engine" is mounted...
  19. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    Thanks...I missed that one :) Now for the difficult part of IAE: Fleet and CCU planning, along with making sure I have enough of the BIS ships in my hangar for day 10 to ensure I get the number of skins (Pisces in particular) I want. My main hope is that the WB CCU price for the MSR will be...
  20. B

    IAE 2952 mystery ship?

    I still think it's probably the Corsair, possibly with landing gear at the back that looks like wings from this angle.... Either way, it will interesting to find out one way or another. I think the BIS colour scheme is actually dark grey\black with red highlights, rather than red with white...
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