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  1. supitza

    Grey Market Scalping a serious problem not being addressed

    If CIG were to put LTI on all ships, like the backers demanded (at least the more vocal ones), and make all the ships available to purchase at any time, there wouldn't be a need for a gray market. But CIG is apparently still getting enough money to not be bothered by the gray market, so why...
  2. supitza

    Supitza's trimestrial vent / emotional rollercoaster

    No idea. I just crash and start cursing.
  3. supitza

    Supitza's trimestrial vent / emotional rollercoaster

    Tries 3, 4 and 5: 3: I get pulled from quantum and get booted to desktop 4: log back in, ship doesn't move 5: spawn back at Olisar, get out of EZ Hab, get booted to desktop. How do you guys manage to play for more than 5 minutes?
  4. supitza

    Interest in a Book Club?

    yay! Edit: general interest doesn't seem too high, though.
  5. supitza

    I'm on a fitness diet. Fitness whole pizza in my mouth.

    I'm on a fitness diet. Fitness whole pizza in my mouth.
  6. supitza

    Fleet planning

    Also, remember that you can only fly 1 ship at a time, so no need to hoard them all. And if you'll play with members of TEST, we'll all have a bunch of ships, so every ship will be available to borrow and use. Between the 17500 of us, with we'll probably have more than 50k ships to work with.
  7. supitza

    Funny RSI bug on profile page

    We're all with you in spirit, @Montoya And by spirit I mean North Carolina.
  8. supitza

    Supitza's trimestrial vent / emotional rollercoaster

    Added you to my friends list. My RSI handle is AstroSupitza. Somehow you were already on my contact list. I'll see you both in game when I muster up the courage to brave the bugs again. And when I'll get a breather from work. :)
  9. supitza

    Fleet planning

    I've found that a healthy habit is to look back and see how much you've spent in total. I've pledged about $600 (the equivalent of 10 AAA games) towards the development of a PC game I like. That puts things into perspective for me.
  10. supitza

    Post in here if you are definitely not a spy!

    Oh noes! What if the spai finds out about our drinking habits!
  11. supitza

    Supitza's trimestrial vent / emotional rollercoaster

    But I have no friends. :-/
  12. supitza

    Supitza's trimestrial vent / emotional rollercoaster

    Same here. I looked for a quest item for about 20 minutes, I finally found it and when I entered my Cutlass I died spontaneously and respawned in the EZ Hab. NO QUEST FOR YOU!
  13. supitza

    Supitza's trimestrial vent / emotional rollercoaster

    I'll try to delete the USER folder and I'll report back. Thanks for the suggestion! As for the Apollo, I really think it fits my playstyle: medium ship, small crew, medical. But I don't want to melt the Cutlass Red (it's the ship I want to start with when the game goes live) or the Hope (big...
  14. supitza

    Supitza's trimestrial vent / emotional rollercoaster

    I just logged into SC for the first time in a long, long time. As much as I'm still in love with the game and creep around the forums because I like you guys, I didn't bother actually playing the game because of the bugs. With the new Apollo ships dedicated to the medical profession, which I'm...
  15. supitza

    [Video] - Sabre Raven winner within!

    Congrats and gg!
  16. supitza

    Drake Vulture Now Available for Everyone - Actually kinda cheap, Ends July 18th

    I also have no desire to spend 130 EUR. :)
  17. supitza

    Drake Vulture Now Available for Everyone - Actually kinda cheap, Ends July 18th

    I really love the Vulture, but I'm not going to buy one.
  18. supitza

    What do you think about this?

    Would you really be okay with 1/3 of your playing time being an interactive loading screen? Remember World of Warcraft when your flightpaths weren't unlocked: you'd hop on your mount, press Caps Lock to keep going forward and watch your grandchildren grow into adults while you traversed the...
  19. supitza

    What do you think about this?

    I'd rather have traveling times reduced. Imagine you need to realistically and fidelity-ly travel from one side of the 'verse to another. If their initial plan holds, you'll have to travel for hours and you'll get bored shitless. Yes, your quantum travel will be interrupted by pirates, anomalies...
  20. supitza

    What do you think about this?

    I'm against Agent Smithing because I think it opens up a lot of potential exploits and goes against immersion and realism. I'm thinking the root of the problem is the huge travel times between location in the 'verse. Comparing it to WoW, where the map is also huge and takes a lot to travel from...
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