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  1. AntiSqueaker

    Did we just got a new capital ship concept?

    People have been begging for an anti-fighter gunboat since like literally late 2012. Jesus if this thing is just a bunch of anti-fighter turrets strapped to a hull if will sell like crack-covered hotcakes. Perfect escort ship for convoys, perfect "grab some mates and shoot shit" ship.
  2. AntiSqueaker

    TESTies, what national monuments do you find impacted you the most?

    Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C. It was on a trip during my senior year of high school, so was in pretty high spirits going in with a few of my friends. Yeah, not so much going out. It's just a soul-shatteringly depressing and sombering experience. I almost broke down into tears seeing the...
  3. AntiSqueaker

    my future idris

    Best of luck, the F5 session is a bitch for everyone involved. I would rather them do it as a lottery style system, not as in "everyone put in 5$ and [random number] of people get an Idris", but sign up (for free, to get around legal gambling laws) to win one of [300 or so] Idris tokens, use it...
  4. AntiSqueaker

    Anniversary Sale Incoming, Bomber?

    Bomber? I barely know 'er!!
  5. AntiSqueaker

    Guns. Good or Bad?

    I like my guns, but I fucking loathe the NRA. They're quite literally a paid lobbying firm of the firearm industry and are just stupid overall. NRA bootlicks to law enforcement and military way too much for my taste since they love those yummy government contracts. Hence the lameduck response to...
  6. AntiSqueaker

    Is my dream of having a shoehorned 325A over!?

    poor 300i. First a sleek elegant dogfighter for the discerning pilot, bounty hunting ship, and now? Basically a Tier 2 Aurora. What a shame, hopefully the rework finds....something that it can do well. Right now it's just...bleh. Doesn't have any cargo room to provide utility, and doesn't have...
  7. AntiSqueaker

    Whats your favorite ship change?

    The Matrix lies, always. But I'm overall happy with the Cutlass rework. a total of 6 S3 hardpoints is pretty nasty combined with missiles. Least favorite is Caterpillar, "parking sensors" my ass, those were guns the whole time.
  8. AntiSqueaker

    3.0 ptu for Christmas?

    Didn't we have a "3.0 for Christmas" thread last year? :thinking:
  9. AntiSqueaker

    Small Ships all have Jump Drives now?

    The official word from CIG is that every ship can mount a Jump drive, even if it doesn't come with some stock. The only exceptions are (obviously) ground vehicles, and snubs (Dragonfly, Merlin/Archimedes, Nox, MPUV, X1, might have forgotten one). Lorewise, Jump Drives are literally attached to...
  10. AntiSqueaker

    Operation Beach Resort

    I know someone in the Pirate division has one. Whenever this gets underway in like 3 years, i'll see if we can borrow it. I'm sure Rock Raiders have a shitton too, and we also have that collectively funded org one too. I hope multiple Pioneers can team up to build shit faster too, that'd be...
  11. AntiSqueaker

    Home for all Outlaws

    I think this would be Spider, no? The NKZ (No Kill Zone) on Spider is the "player accessible" zone, which is the lore reason why it's safe and (mostly) murder-free. All the pirates leave their squabbles and infighting at the door of Spider- if anyone makes the first move everyone else fills em...
  12. AntiSqueaker

    Sandy beaches?

  13. AntiSqueaker

    Fleet planning for a Bounty Hunter

    Bounty Hunting in 3.0 is probably nothing more than "this player/NPC has a bounty, go chase them down and destroy their ship and we'll give you monies". Which is an improvement over nothing, but I wouldn't get too excited or get expectations too high.
  14. AntiSqueaker

    Operation Beach Resort

    The world for a billion years....or TEST for two. On topic this sounds like a plan. There's been stated that there will be derelict space stations too, so if we could find a planet that has a derelict station, pimp that up overhead on the beach resort, park all our salvaged supercaps overhead...
  15. AntiSqueaker

    Does anyone know what the cap on my Hornet Ghost is a placeholder for?

    I'm not super up to date on the Hornet nose guns, but I could have sworn they were removed when the canard turret was added in ages ago, and for a long time before that they were bugged (wouldn't regenerate power, so you fired like 3 shots and that was it). Even during the "Omnisky VI boating...
  16. AntiSqueaker

    CanI get some upvotes here please?

    Going off of what CIG has said on previous occasions about similar ships (Crucible, Polaris, etc) I'm just going to say no. Ships would need to be internally carried, or they would get "blown off" by the external acceleration. Similar reason why ships have to be stopped before attempting to...
  17. AntiSqueaker

    Fleet planning for a Bounty Hunter

    Gonna give my 2 cents here since the tools for Bounty Hunting are nigh identical to Piracy so I can apply my Doctorate of Theorycrafting fairly well here. For "dead or alive" bounties you prefer dead: whatever combat ship(s) you and your band of merry TESTies feel like bringing. Super Hornets...
  18. AntiSqueaker

    Oh no! We've been found out!

    "unwelcome PVP lol" There's specific systems planned to be set up that have a very low risk of "unwelcome" PVP, like Terra or Sol. With nice and responsive NPC police patrols to hold your hands as you veldspar mine and haul cargo from Point A to Point B. Even these will have NPC pirates and...
  19. AntiSqueaker

    A long delema I've had....Any Advice?

    From the Q&A: Can the turret be slaved like the Super Hornet? The most upvoted question in the Q&A thread! The plan is to support slaved turrets in general – and the Hurricane’s turret will be no exception. While the balance factors for these slaved turrets are not yet fully determined, the...
  20. AntiSqueaker

    Damn, 2 years in TEST SQUADRON

    lol casual :kissing_heart:
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