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  1. Frisbeerocker


  2. Frisbeerocker


    >shooty end Proper terminology. Welcome aboard!
  3. Frisbeerocker

    We have an ARMA 3 server!

    Afternoon/evening today so we can get EU folks. I'll be around most of the day and able to jump on.
  4. Frisbeerocker

    Do we need an ARK server?

    and then the whole ARK craze passed.
  5. Frisbeerocker

    We have an ARMA 3 server!

    >until your racist bird yells too loud causing your latency to spike and our chopper to crash
  6. Frisbeerocker

    We have an ARMA 3 server!

    I get no credit for that one time I took off and landed us with no issues.
  7. Frisbeerocker

    Totally Not Secretly A Cat

    MFW this post Also some sentences hurt my head. Perfect. Welcome to TEST.
  8. Frisbeerocker

    We have an ARMA 3 server!

  9. Frisbeerocker

    I'm the right_guy

    Welcome aboard!
  10. Frisbeerocker

    Test Squadron: Friends

    I can't believe you didn't change the names! Perfect opportunity missed. Srsly tho, I still lol'ed.
  11. Frisbeerocker

    We have an ARMA 3 server!

    We went down for a while, but now we're back up. Krystal has been working tirelessly to fix the bugs in the mission.
  12. Frisbeerocker

    Test Squadron Night Krew: Recruitment Video

    Your videos confuse me so much. I assume that's the point. Good job.
  13. Frisbeerocker

    its me the new flying jackass

    Welcome to Jackass Squadron. Its basically what 50% of the SC community thinks of us anyway. GG
  14. Frisbeerocker

    Funny RSI threads from General Chat Forum

    >people who want to solo an idris mfw
  15. Frisbeerocker

    Hello I am a new

    It makes me really happy that, now and again, a member intro thread can make me laugh this hard. I already like you. I laughed so hard when I first saw that pic. Then I immediately thought "that guy looks EXACTLY like the kind of guy we need in TEST." And now here you are. 10/10 Glorious.
  16. Frisbeerocker

    Favourite Aurora?

    Did someone say cat thread?
  17. Frisbeerocker

    TEST wallpaper (rip your eyes)

    And as requested: the inverted version!
  18. Frisbeerocker

    January 2016 Giveaway: Freelancer DUR!

    Love that we're getting the community in on this. Spreading the good word of TEST Squadron! Praise Montoya, may he reign supreme, forever.
  19. Frisbeerocker

    Funny RSI threads from General Chat Forum

    I applaud your bravery, sir. These are the kind of things that make be both lol/10 and REEEEEEEE beyond belief.
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