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  1. Kenlee

    EA roasting thread

    Even the danish police force is making fun of EA. This tweet from yesterday basically says: "Are you, or do you know anyone who has ever been exposed to trickery? Or have you just bought Star Wars Battlefront II? Look here and avoid being cheated" ...
  2. Kenlee

    It's only been 2.5 weeks!

    View: WB!! :D #BlindOwl2020
  3. Kenlee

    I'm new, don't roast me XD

    Welcome! You took the best first step and joined TEST! There's a lot of good stuff here on the forums (like 5% informative, the rest is about beer probably) If you're interested in learning more about the game, check out - he's not a TEST member, but...
  4. Kenlee

    Just finished a long project

    That is one awesome piece of mancave right there. Great work, im totally jelly.
  5. Kenlee

    Mostly solo player with a huge ship - dilemma

    I'll be crewman in your Endeavour!! (as long as you have a Biodome and I am allowed to grow glorious herbs ofcourse)
  6. Kenlee

    Carracks being worked on officially at this moment

    I am excited getting to know how the Carrack truely ends up and I want to be optimistic. But I have a hard time imagining all that equipment stated when they are also trying to balance out ships. Rover, snub, drones, med bay, repair bay, long range engines, bigass computer core, solar arrays...
  7. Kenlee

    I live to serve

    I can relate to this. Every game I buy is just something to take my mind off the painful waiting game that is 3.0 Anyways welcome to the best crew in the Galaxy!
  8. Kenlee

    Guns. Good or Bad?

    It's a very delicate subject and one that really divides people. I was 18 the first time I saw a gun. The fact that you can just walk into a local Wal Mart store in America and buy a gun is really mind blowing to me. It's one of the bigger cultural differences. I hope for Americans that one day...
  9. Kenlee


    Not sure actually, think it's inhere, try it out: 1. go to your profile by clicking your logo in top right corner 2. press "Privacy in the tab on the left 3. set "view flag for the country you are in" to "All visitors"
  10. Kenlee


    Velkommen til !! More danes, more danes!!
  11. Kenlee

    X1 Sale begin According to this guy, you can. He wrote a ticket to CIG and asked.
  12. Kenlee

    I was really drunk last night.

    If you can sign up for it, you can do it. I believe in you!
  13. Kenlee

    Celebrating One year with TEST!

    Congrats on your Testiversary! I Love it here too. No one takes anything too seriously, even if they're real serious about it (does that make sense?!). Anyways, "skål!"
  14. Kenlee

    [CONCERN] The great debate.

    It's like having to choose between cake and icecream, and sorry I can't do it. Both or nothing!
  15. Kenlee

    GhostSquadron, the most paranoid and insane member of the SC Community

    "GhostSquadron, the most paranoid and insane member of the SC Community" VirtualAss: Hold my beer....
  16. Kenlee

    How much is Port Olisar worth? [POLL]

    I could see it go for 3-4000$. CIG Would be more like: View:
  17. Kenlee

    New Potato on Board

    Welcome to TEST Mr. Potato, excellent browsing skills, you came to the right place!
  18. Kenlee

    Hi, I go by brickbatz

    Welcome to TEST mr. Brickbatz. I myself have burned 1100 hours in ARK, it's a pretty neat game. Enjoy your stay, I know you will. :D
  19. Kenlee

    600i Q&A

    the Aquila does not have a lot more cargo. the statspage is just not updated. Aquilas stats need fixing, not only in the cargometrics but also shield size etc. I actually expect the cargoholds to be somewhat similar.
  20. Kenlee

    600i Q&A

    I did the same thing. :smile: It's hard not feeling like we got less for more. Even though the Q & A was a bit confusing I am still going to keep mine for now though. I know it's hard to justify keeping The 600i explorer over something like a Carrack or BMM which are both cheaper, have greater...
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