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  1. Likewise

    Should I upgrade to the Cutlass before 3.0?

    Shia let me know you did end up buying it. Enjoy! Everybody needs to get a Cutty crew going.
  2. Likewise

    Should I upgrade to the Cutlass before 3.0?

    If you're interested in it I would go for it now before the price increase that will surely follow. I upgraded my Titan to a Cutty Black after learning about the upcoming rework last year and I've had a blast in it even with the current iteration. It's a nice all around ship with nice cargo...
  3. Likewise

    Which ship would you buy if you could only choose to have one with LTI?

    I'd go with my Cutlass Black. I wish I knew better in my younger years before I upgraded my non-LTI game package ship to the Cutty. The shame of not having LTI will follow me forever. Actually, I'm half expecting/half hoping that they just start selling LTI packages before launch.
  4. Likewise

    PSA: Not everybody that posts in here is in TEST Squadron

  5. Likewise

    Should I pick Elite Dangerous?

    I bought it on sale a while ago for basically the same reason. I just ended up playing Star Citizen in it's current state MUCH more than I did with Elite. Maybe I should boot it up again.
  6. Likewise

    VirtualAce (Now N_forcer from Aerospace Alliance) Exploiting / Lag Switching Drama Queen

    I wonder if somebody grabbed up the name just to troll.
  7. Likewise

    VirtualAce (Now N_forcer from Aerospace Alliance) Exploiting / Lag Switching Drama Queen

    Yea. He's gotten such a bad rep that he is now running as N-Forcer:
  8. Likewise

    This is an empty wallet

    I'm holding fast to my previous statement that I will not buy anymore ships and earn my way at launch with my Cutlass and Super Hornet. Of course I did buy a Nox after saying that... But that is it!
  9. Likewise

    Ready Player One

    It would probably require Quantum Travel being explained as less than the speed of light. Let's say .999c, lol. As for 10 light hours we're looking at nearing 7 billion miles or so. It would probably take some clever design like you have to quantum travel to locations further than 7 billion...
  10. Likewise

    Ready Player One

    Really enjoyed this book. It had sucked me in so much that I read it over the course of a few days a couple of summers back. I'm really hoping the movie does it justice. As for the question I'm sure there would be something at least Star Citizen-esque in there. And I would live there drinking...
  11. Likewise

    So, 3.0 live release just bumped to September...

    Friends, friends. Look at it this way. Now we can enjoy that feeling of excitement of the upcoming launch even longer!
  12. Likewise

    State of the Squadron 24!

    Don't forget our incredibly stacked glorious leader.
  13. Likewise

    Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm

    So a few Idris's's's, some Cutlass Blacks, a Reclaimer, and countless Auroras... This is going to be amazing!
  14. Likewise

    POLL: Star Citizen 3.0 Memory Size

    I was actually just thinking about this the other day. I'm fulling preparing myself for it to take up 100+ GB once everything is delivered. I mean like you said we are currently at 32 GB and there isn't really much to it.
  15. Likewise

    The Deadliest Fighter

    Yep. You need a dual-Aurora that fires Aurora's. Very effective.
  16. Likewise

    Lynx Rover [RESOLVED]

    Maybe it's a smaller version of the Ursa Rover. It's also included in the Constellation Phoenix.
  17. Likewise


    I was thinking the same thing. I went ahead and grabbed a Nox to have some small land craft to drive around, but cheaper vehicles like this shouldn't take long to earn in game.
  18. Likewise


    Looks nice but I don't think it will fit in my Cutlass. Maybe an Aurora box, hmmm...
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