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  1. D3Mark

    [Concern] State of Squadron eleven

    Montoya, pls.
  2. D3Mark

    Challenge Accepted Chris

    Real talk for a second: I say we figure out a way to remove all the alcohol from the economy, buy it all up in as many sectors as we can. Stockpile that stuff. Then after a few weeks or a month, we all sell our stockpile and crash the market.
  3. D3Mark

    [CONCERN] What if he was right?

    Wait, we're supposed to not bump this? I can still post, right? I mean, as long as we don't bump this thread, the table won't fall over and send beer flying... Right?
  4. D3Mark

    Star Trek Online

    Add me on Steam and I'll boot it up to carry you through stuff. I have a couple different builds that I can do to co-op your mission easily.
  5. D3Mark

    GTX 970 good enough for Star Citizen? (video)

    Good to know, I need a new hard drive before I do that jump.
  6. D3Mark

    Am I Crazy or...

    Rumor is that they did their internal test for FPS today, Monday we're getting an update as a result of said full test, and further rumor is next Friday we get FPS to PTU. HEAVY RUMOR MILL.
  7. D3Mark

    [CONCERN] What if he was right?

    Crisis averted:
  8. D3Mark

    [CONCERN] What if he was right?

    That's the PU office, just saying. Danke.
  9. D3Mark

    [CONCERN] What if he was right?

    Plot thickens? Sandi on Reverse the 'verse...
  10. D3Mark


    *Raises hand* I was a spy, I joined TEST as a result.
  11. D3Mark

    [CONCERN] What if he was right?

    Pretty sure he said he would if he could (since as employees they're not supposed to join a player org), we've had several devs say that before.
  12. D3Mark

    [CONCERN] What if he was right?

    I'm just bringing it up for discussion is all, chill your tits salty lake. Maybe there is no concern needed, still worth the discussion. Yes DS is generally frowned upon but we shall see. If it turns out he's right though, it will be an interesting week for sure. Anyway, I had steak salad...
  13. D3Mark

    Looking for a Group for Borderlands 2 Playthrough

    Shit happens mate, it's all good. I'm sure you guys will have a blast though, it's a win game :D
  14. D3Mark

    [CONCERN] What if he was right?

    What if Derek Smart was actually right? That CIG is going to flop before launch? I'm not one to believe his tripe but you have got to admit this is starting to be backed by some compelling theories. Full Reddit thread...
  15. D3Mark

    Looking for a Group for Borderlands 2 Playthrough

    After 9pm. Toss the key to Literally or some other person who needs a key and wants to play. I'm probably not going to be able to make these (sadly).
  16. D3Mark

    Tank Man is Test Squadron!

    He's missing his wings comrade.
  17. D3Mark

    What ship will be revealed at Citizencon?

    I'm hoping Freelancer rework and in AC 2.0 ... But we all know that's a dream...
  18. D3Mark

    Looking for a Group for Borderlands 2 Playthrough

    I might not be available on Friday as it turns out. I'll try my best.
  19. D3Mark

    Endeavor Pricing

    I want to seriously militarize an 890 in the PU. "Stuff"
  20. D3Mark

    Orion mining platform donation drive [FULLY FUNDED!]

    Dat necro post.
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