Or wait til it's in a Humble Bundle for 0.01$...
I agree it looks great but I'm not yet willing to pay 50€ for a DLC. If they had an offer like 50% off if you own BL2, I'd buy it I think.
This is the best beer: http://www.cambabavaria.de/en/products/bierspezialitaeten/camba-wilderer-weisse
But it's pretty much impossible to get outside of germany.
This is pretty good aswell: http://www.schneider-weisse.de/index.php?lang=en&tpl=brauerei.spezialitaeten.origi
And you can get it in...
Seasonic builds the PSUs for Corsair, Corsair just adds the labels :)
Seasonic is great, stick with it. They make great PSUs.
Like chrizz suggested I'd add an SSD aswell.
The Caviar Black is pretty loud and not a lot better than the Caviar Blue...